~An After Story Treat~

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A second crossover with TechnoGirl123's story "Let Me Be There for You" on AO3

"So how was the honey moon?" Felix asked with a silly wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Better than yours I bet!" Amy poked back.

Everyone broke into laughter around the picnic basket. Venus lay in Sam's lap weaving a flower crown beside Felix and Marzia who were happily bouncing their children in their laps. Amy and Felix continued to poke fun at each other while Mark happily chimed in with a quip or two. Chase and Seán were making silly faces with Chase's kids while I relaxed in the sunlight, waiting for Caroline and CJ to come back with Duke.

Everyone's attention snapped forward at the sudden sound of an opening portal, a cabin strangely familiar to Seán appearing on the other side. The group cautiously got to their feet when I suddenly spotted Sky peeking through. I panic momentarily before seeing the previous infection from Anti is no longer present within her.


She stepped out with a cautious smile, the glow of her eyes and sword from her back missing from her now more docile frame. She waved nervously before attempting to relax herself.

"Hey. Uh.. I don't know if you guys remember-

"No we remember, you were the alter ego of the other N/N." Felix cut in, nonchalantly.

"Are you all okay?" Mark chimed in, concern hanging on his face.

"Well.. why don't you come and see for yourselves?" She responded, gesturing for us to cross over.

We collectively shared a look of hesitation before mutually deciding to pass through. Based on her more relaxed and calm demeanor, it's likely they just wanted to visit. Chase elected to let his kids stay behind since they're old enough to be left alone for a short while. Knowing Caroline would be there to watch them soon also gave him peace of mind. One by one we stepped through, sure to help the next person until the whole group had passed over.

The hallway ahead lead to what looked to be the front door. To the right was a kitchen and to the left was a comfortable looking living room. I glanced back to see a wall of windows to a backyard leading into a forest outside as everyone took in the rest of their surroundings. In the middle of looking around Venus and I begin feeling the presence of others, shifting our attention back to the front door, everyone else following our gaze.

"How did you find us." Not Y/N asked, glancing down at the burn scar covering my forearm.

"That would be my doing." Sky responded, walking up to her. Somehow fading away the closer she walked.

"I thought it would be nice to see them again, and for them to see that I'm not crazy." Sky concluded, glancing back to me as I moved a step closer.

A short conversation later, Sky made her way back towards the group. everyone parted for her to pass as she visibly faded, finally dissipating at the window. The portal she had opened closed down, once again leaving us to face our other selves. Not Y/N opened her mouth to speak, when suddenly Not Mark interjected.

"Seriously, what is going on?" He asked, bewildered.

It wasn't until he spoke that we remembered he had been absent the last interaction, seemingly in some kind of danger based on Not Y/N's reaction to seeing our Mark.

"I can explain that." I responded, taking another step forward," We come from a different dimension basically. When we were looking for Chase, who had been abducted, I had to use portals during the start of our search and accidentally opened one to your world. Sky found us from the link our energy left behind, and decided we should all check in I suppose."

"Oh.. you guys did tell me about that." Not Mark responded, looking back to his friends.

Somehow Not Y/N and Mark tilted sideways, pointing to Not Mark and Chase with nearly the same thought.

"Did you did you find your person?" Not Y/N asked

"You found Me!" Mark smiled.

Mark stepped out from behind Seán waving energetically.

"Hi me!" The two Marks greeted in unison.

"Where's your arm!?" Not Sean shouted, incredulously.

"Okay, how about we all just catch each other up one group at a time? That way we can all listen without confusion." I interjected, hoping to let everyone's minds catch up to all the changes.

Thankfully everyone nodded or muttered in agreement, as we settled into the living room. We started by telling them of the war, and how everything unfolded. The losses and struggles, and our ultimate victory. Told them of the rebuilding and of Mark and Amy's beautiful wedding.

Not Y/N and her group told of their conflicts with Anti and Darkiplier, the many changes that happened with Sky and how they finally came to where they are now. After a while, catching up devolved into talking for the sake of talking, like old friends finally spending a day together. We talked about the future and what we wanted to do. We talked about family and hobbies and a little bit of the anxiety an unknown future holds.

Eventually though, night fell and I knew we would need to return home soon before the energy signal started fading. I stood up from my seat, the movement grabbing everyone's attention.

"I think it's time we head home. We don't want to overstay our welcome, or be away from home too long."

Everyone got up, gathering in our respective groups, preparing to once again go our separate ways.

"It was amazing catching up and hearing about everything. I'm glad you're all alright." Not Y/N smiled.

"We're glad you guys are doing alright too. It was good to see you again, take care of yourselves." I responded, an oddly sad sense of finality hanging off my words.

I knows better than anyone, that we'll likely never cross paths again. I turn to re-open the portal, displaying much more control from the first time I'd learned to do so, leading everyone through safely. I crossed over last just behind Seán, and turned back to smile and wave goodbye to our other selves one last time.

And just like that they were gone.


Chase smiled, his children running up in a futile attempt to tackle him. Duke, Caroline and CJ laughing at their little antics. We walked home together talking and laughing as always, splitting off only as we came to our group of homes huddled together to rest for the night.

In the morning, we'd all wake up and have breakfast together at one of our houses like we do every day, finally able to live peacefully.

Our little world is finally perfect.

Terrors in Subnautica II; Humanity Reconstructed(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now