Part 12: Move Forward, or Give Up

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The entire ship violently rattled, a deafening crack of noise felt as though it tore my ears open. Jumping to my feet, I can see everyone else confused and panicked. Echoes of thunder continue to roll outside, strikes of lightning landing all around us. The lightning began striking every half second, causing my ears to feel as though they would turn to mush, the constant flashing through the windows becoming disorienting.


Even more panicked at Y/N's message echoing through our minds, I look around at our friends either on the ground or against the wall looking terrified. The last time I saw everyone this scared..

I need you to keep them calm, just like you did before.

Her quiet voice in my head gave me the control I needed to take action.

While Y/N runs to the controls, the island starts cracking apart below us. I can feel the ship rocking as the ground starts pulling away in every direction.


Immediately I push into action, screaming to be heard over the earplugs and lightning as Mark follows my order. I run to Sam and Beth first, who are collapsed on the ground in tears and screams of terror.


I yank them to their feet, and drag them to their seats securing them in. I can see their panic, calming ever so slightly at the focus in my expression.


Without question he runs to grab the box, tossing it my way immediately. I pull out the specialized safety unit built to withstand severe explosions, and crack it open. Running as fast as I can, I release the protective mist over everyone, one at a time as best I can.

As much as I want to focus on Y/N's safety, I have to put Marzia and her children first! I can hear Y/N flipping switches, and taking control of the ship as I run through everyone before finally getting to her.

She nods a thanks at me, when the ground finally falls away beneath us, the ship launching only seconds before sinking down. The shake of the ship flinging Venus and I to the floor.

I drag myself to my feet, barely keeping balance to run over to where he had helped safely strap Marzia and Felix in. I grip the back of his suit hard and throw him to his seat before collapsing into mine. As we start strapping ourselves in the door of the ship is violently torn away, in the crosshairs of three simultaneous lightning strikes.

Venus goes flying towards the door, and I just barely manage to grab his arm before he's thrown from the ship. The injury in my back popping violently, causing me to almost lose my grip on him. I can feel the terror rising in my chest, as Y/N lets out a determined scream violently jerking us around to fly through the lightning!

I can hear Beth screaming and crying out for Venus, as I hold him in the tightest grip I've ever held. I can feel him start to slip away and I throw my legs out to try and grab his waist.

"DON'T YOU DARE LET GO!" I scream at him.

His face is filled with an almost calm terror, the understanding that he could die at any moment clear in his eyes.

"WE'RE NOT LOSING ANYONE!" Y/N screams out.

Suddenly her soul release activates, sending out a wave of energy engulfing the ship in a clear reflective shield. Venus' body falling to the ground, at the suddenly air tight room. I continue to hold him tight until we finally pass through the atmosphere into space.

Terrors in Subnautica II; Humanity Reconstructed(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now