Part 16: Absolute Defeat

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TW: Major Character Death

12:00AM our alarm wakes us up, and Felix jumps right out of bed for the bathrooms. I don't think either of us slept well.

Today our friends are risking their lives.

Since we plan on attempting to return to bed after the send off, we don't take much time to get dressed before leaving for the cafeteria. Pretty soon I won't even be able to climb all these stairs.

By the time we make it to the send off, the troops start walking down the hall toward the exits. We see Mark, Sam, and Beth walking quietly and we wave at them.

For a moment they smile to us, thankfulness for our good wishes in their expressions before their grim focus returns. I try to be positive, but the weight in my chest feels like it's trying to pull me through the floor.

I don't want to lose anyone.

I hold Felix's hand tight, continually waving until all of them have left the building. He gently placed his other hand on the back of my head to pull me into a hug, anxious tears racing down my face.

I can hear his heart racing. He's trying to breathe normally, but I can hear that small hitch in his breath. I shut my eyes tight and try with everything I have to send good energy their way. For a moment, I even try prayer.

Eventually though, we're directed to return to the city. As we're descending the stairs, I sigh heavily to myself.

"I don't think I'll be able to get any more sleep for a while." I whisper.

Felix nods and squeezes my hand in acknowledgment, helping me down the last few flights of stairs. Instead of going home, he quietly starts walking us to the garden closest to our little house.

We spend hours sitting on some of the swings, just watching the little birds that have adapted to living down here hop around the flowers.
I miss the breeze.

We don't talk much, but that's okay. Our silence feels more peaceful than a forced conversation ever could. By the time breakfast rolls around, other civilians start quietly walking around.

There's a weight hanging in the air today. Who will come home, and who won't? I wish I could push those thoughts aside, but somehow I don't think I should. This is the reality we have to live with, for now.

Thankfully, the exhaustion of not sleeping properly kicks in after we eat breakfast so we return home for a nap. A few hours later my alarm to get ready for my class goes off, once again stirring me from my sleep.

It only takes me fifteen minutes to finish getting ready before going back out to the community garden. The other mommas to be are already sitting and chatting away when I arrive.

"Good afternoon." I smile.

They greet me with a little less energy than usual, but smile none the less. There's seven of us in our region, and four of their husbands are participating in today's battle.

"Today we're going to start with our yoga before going into our birthing lesson. We'll be focusing on re-centering ourselves, and stress relief. How does that sound?" I ask.

They all smile gratefully at me before spacing apart for our stretches. We focus mainly on our backs, necks, and shoulders as we move through the simple poses. By the time our fifteen minutes of stretching is over, everyone is feeling noticeably more energetic and chipper. It's nice to have people to de-stress with for a while.

"So today, we'll be starting our talks over postpartum wellness." I smile.

As everyone settles into a comfortable position on their pillows, they quiet down to listen to me.

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