Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my new fanfic and I hope you really like it! Otherwise it'll be a fail...ahh I'm trying to succeed :) thanks for reading! Fan, comment, vote...

~Chapter 1 

I'm in 10th grade, just turned 15 last summer. It's the beginning of the year. My best friend Gemma Styles and I had most of our classes together, which hopefully would make it a good year. 

I do pretty well in school, but I just wasn't feeling it this year. There was no spark ya know?

I heard Gemma knocking on the door. We go to school together everyday, were very close. Gemma and her family are some of the only people I trust. 

"Come in!" I shouted trying to finish my breakfast. 

I hear the door creak open and look over to see Gemma stepping in.  

"Hurry up, we're gonna be late and Harry's taking us!"

Last night Harry came home from his tour with One Direction, I hadn't seen him in a year and a half.  

I went outside and Harry was standing outside the car waiting for me and Gemma, fondling with his phone.  

When I saw him it I can't believe how much he's changed! He's, he's, hot!!  

"Hi Harry!" I said. 

"Oh hey Amanda." He said putting out his arms for a hug. I fell into them and it gave me butterflies.. Oh no, I was starting to fall for my best friends brother! I can't, he's her brother. 

In the car ride to school I tried to shake the feeling of liking him, but it was so hard. He's so attractive.  

We arrived at school, Harry kissed Gemma on the cheek and gave me another hug, which didn't help. I needed to stop the attraction, not be pulled in more. 

"I'll see you in History," Gemma said as the first bell rang. I had the whole hour to try and clear my mind of Harry. But that seemed to be the only thing I could think of, even through the whole day. The bell kept ringing for classes, but my mind stayed on one thing, Harry.

"Mom, what does it mean when you can't get someone off your mind?"  

"Well honey, it probably means you like them. Who can't you get off your mind?" 

"Oh no one." I told her scurrying off to my room. I didn't wanna confess how I felt to anyone, not even myself

My Best Friend's Brother (Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now