Chapter 10

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Cheers for Hamanda!! Our new couple!!;) will Gemma accept their relationship? Will it ruin their friendship forever? Will Amanda back out of the relationship to keep Gemma as her bestie? All is fair in love in war..keep reading!!! xx

~Chapter 10

Harry, Niall, and I headed back to the tour bus. Nobody was there except Liam, Louis, and Paul. 

"Is there a new couple in town?" Liam asked. I didn't know what he was talking about, until I realized I was still holding Harry's hand. I looked up at him and he had a golden smile across his face.  

"I'll take that as a yes." Louis said. I started to giggle and Harry laughed too. He squeezed my hand tighter before letting go.  

Me and Harry were sitting on the bed talking to Liam, Louis, and Niall, when the tour bus door started to open. Gemma walked in. She saw all of us and turned around, Zayn was behind her and stopped her. 

"No turning back now." He told her. She made a frustrating noise and continued to walk in. I didn't know what to say, but I didn't want her mad at me anymore. They sat down on the small couch and after about 10 seconds she got up and ran out of the bus. Zayn got up to chase her, but I stopped him. 

"I got it." I said getting up. Harry grabbed my hand. 

"Are you sure?" 

"She's my best friend." I said walking out with confidence. 

"Gemma?!" I called out. I looked around and couldn't find her. Straight ahead, barely visible, I saw a girl with long, dark brown, straight hair walking. I ran as fast as I could to catch up to her. Luckily she didn't see me coming so she didn't run away. I knew Gemma could run better then me because I gave up on sports ages ago. 

"Gemma?" I asked. She ignored me, like I was a ghost. She kept walking and I followed. "Gemma please talk to me! I know you're mad."  

"Then why won't you leave me alone?" She shot back.  

"Because you're my best friend. I understand you're not supposed to fall for your best friends brother. But Harry makes me happy."  

"He's my brother Amanda!" She squealed back. 

"I know that. I couldn't help falling for him Gem. It just happened." I explained. 

"Just stop talking to me.." Gemma said as she kept walking. I stopped in my tracks. I realized, I had lost my best friend. She didn't wanna speak to me. She didn't even wanna be in the same room, let alone the same building as me. That was my millionth time trying to beg her to give it a try and she hasn't budged. I'd really lost her.  

It started to rain lightly, but as I started to walk back to the bus it got heavier.  

I lost it. 

I broke down in tears. I'd never had a serious fight with Gemma, now we had been torn apart. Was being with Harry worth all this? Why didn't Gemma except my happiness? The tears just streamed and streamed down my face. 

"Amanda!" Harry said running towards me. He pulled me into his warm, yet damp arms. I cried harder, but there was nobody else id want hugging me at that moment. Not even Lou.  

We walked back to the bus in the rain. When we got inside and the boys saw us soaked they started to chuckle madly. I also started to smile and laugh. 

"Thanks boys." I said as they continued to laugh. 

"Are you okay?" Harry asked pulling me close again. 

"I guess so.." I mumbled into his chest. I went and changed, and harry followed after me.  

"We seriously need a hotel." Louis said. "First thing in the morning!"  

"I agree, sharing a bed with Nialler isn't the best." Liam said. 

"Hey!" Niall said hitting him. 

"I was kidding!" Liam said holding up his hands in defense. Louis crawled into his bed along with the rest of the boys. Harry and I cuddled up to each other under the warm blankets. 

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Harry whispered to me. 

"No." I said back with a smile. 

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world." He said kissing me on the forehead. I pressed my lips to his and I could feel him smiling. 

"Goodnight princess." He said as we fell asleep in each others arms

My Best Friend's Brother (Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now