Chapter 6

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How's it going so far? I know I haven't got any feedback yet, because I just started it and it barely has any views but this is for the future!! Haha thanks for reading my fanfics..and other work if you do. By the way guys I do YouTube covers and here's the link ---> if you wanna watch thank you!!! Have a splendid day! xx

~Chapter 6

I came out of the bathroom and turned off the light. It was still pitch black..I tried to remember the way back, but seemed to bump into something. 

"Dammit!" I said, hurting myself. 

I could hear Harry chuckling in his room.  

"Very funny Styles." I said. 

"Do you need help?" He asked. 

"" I said awkwardly. I still didn't know what direction to go in. 

"Her room is that way." Harry said. I didn't hear him approach me, but I knew he was close because I could feel his warm breath on me. 

"Which way is that way?" I asked. I was lost in the darkness.  

"Come on.." He said grabbing my hand and leading the way again. "Here it is."  

I heard the door open and we walked in.  

"Thanks." I tripped over my mattress. In the dark I was such a clutz. "Ouch!" 

"What's going on?" Gemma said flipping on her lamp. Harry was standing in the doorway, I was stumbled over my bed, while Gemma had a mad look on her face. 

"I went to get a drink and got lost in the dark. Harry helped me find my way. Then I fell over the bed." I explained. 

"You guys are dumb." She said turning her lamp off. 

"Thanks Harry." I whispered.  

"Night Amanda." He said and I heard him walk out. Suddenly I was tired and I managed to drift off into sleep.


"Amanda I love you." 

"Harry I love you too." 

"Now that she's gone we can finally be together." Harry said kissing me. I looked down to the ground and saw Gemma lying there. Dead.  

I instantly shot out of bed, panting and sweaty. I looked at the clock and it was 4:36. What a horrible dream. I'd pick Gemma over Harry anyday.  

Back to the terrifying sleep I have.....


"Hey Amanda, Gemma, you've got to be getting ready for your last day." Harry's soft voice said. I woke up with a smile on my face. 

"Did someone have a good dream?" Gemma asked noticing my smile. 

"You could say that." I really just remembered that we leave today, and the excitement was taking over. 

I went to the bathroom to get dressed and shut the door behind me. I started to take off my shirt when the doorknob started to turn. I forgot to lock the door.  

Harry walked in and I quickly freaked out. Thank god I was wearing a bra. 

"Harry!!!" I shrieked. 

"Sorry." He said as he turned around and started to laugh. 

"Not funny." I said locking the door behind him and putting on my turquoise blouse. I slid on my jeans and fixed my hair. 

"Took ya long enough!" Harry said when I came out.  

"Oh whatever!" I said playfully hitting his arm. I went into Gemma's room and she was wearing a light pink low cut, and blue jeans similar to mine. Unlike Harry, Gemma had straight brown hair. She let the long hair flow down hair back freely. Gemma didn't wear make up, she was beautiful without it. Although, me, I don't wear make up either. I don't think it's a use of my time and I don't go with Gemma with leaving my hair natural. I had terrible curls in my dyed light brown hair. Harry rocked his curls, but on me, horrible. Straightening was the way to go.  

"How do I look?" Gemma asked interrupting my thoughts. 

"Gemma you always look good!" I told her. 

"Aww so do you. We gotta get going." She said looking at the clock. "Harry are you ready?" 

He walked into the room with his curls perfected, some white skinny jeans, and a red plaid flannel.  

"Let's go." He said playing with the keys around his pointer finger. He walked out of the room and started going down the stairs. Me and Gemma carried our huge luggage down the stairs behind him.  

We put our bags in the very back of the range rover and sat in the back seat. We were gonna be on tour so long we weren't gonna be able to finish the school year so we had to do some type of homeschooling online. 

"See you guys tonight. Have a good day." Harry said as we got out. 

"Thanks Harry." I said as we walked into the school.  

We told our friends that we were leaving and we wouldn't be back for almost a year. One of my best friends Nathan had tears welled up in his eyes. 

"Nathan what's wrong?" I asked. 

"I'm gonna miss you." He said taking me in into a hug. 

"Aww Nathan you're gonna make me cry." I said as we started to laugh. "I'll miss you too!" And we fell into another hug.  

The day flew by, I gave Nathan a few more hugs, and then it was over. We were back in Harry's range rover on our way to the airport.  

"Plane 341 is boarding." The lady over the intercom said. That was our plane. We got onto it and I was stuck by the window, with Harry on my left. The sleep I lost last night must have caught up to me because I fell asleep right away

My Best Friend's Brother (Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now