Chapter 14

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Hey guys, this has almost 100 reads! That's more then my other fanfic got so far...I think it's because that story fell apart and really isn't that good. This one has more suspense right?:) yay Harry's okay, Amanda and Gemma are friends again. Zemma has been introduced!!!:) Hamanda and Zemma!<3 

Ugh I got far in this and it deleted like half of it now it has to be retyped... Otherwise you guys would have seen it sooner. Sorry!

~Chapter 14

Harry was in the hospital for about a week and when he finally could leave we had to go back to the hotel and pack. 

We had to carry on with tour, and Harry was going to have a limp to him for a little while, since his hip was injured. I was just glad Harry was okay.  

I was lying there in bed next to Harry, in the silence. It was our last night at the hotel. I gave Harry a peck on the cheek and cuddled up next to him. I pressed my lips to his in a long kiss. 

"I love you Amanda." Harry blurted out.  

I gave him another kiss, this one longer, more breath taking. 

"I love you too." I said at the end of the kiss. 

I cuddled up to him and we fell asleep together. 

When I woke up in the morning we left the hotel and got on the tour bus. The next destination was London, England. We were back to sharing bunks again, but this time me and Harry and Gemma and Zayn.


"How's everyone doing tonight?" Harry yelled to his screaming fans.  

"So some have you have been asking what happened to me. Well here's the truth, I was shot in the hip."  

The fans shook in anger, they didn't like the fact that someone shot their idol.  

"But don't worry guys! Harry's fine, now lets have some fun!" Niall said as the familiar tune to live while we're young started to play. Gemma and I were backstage and having a good time.. 

"They always have too much fun!" Gemma said laughing.  

"That's why I love them!' I confessed. 

We both laughed together. 

"I'm still really sorry Amanda." 

"Hey, it's forgotten!" I said. We sat backstage watching these amazing boys perform when they started to sing Little Things.  

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me..." Zayn started to sing. They all sat on stools on stage. They all sang beautifully, and when Louis solo approached Harry stood up. 

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep..." He sang. Harry started walking towards off stage right, and that's the side Gemma and I were on. He came over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me out there.  

"It makes no sense to me.." Louis finished. 

Harry sat me down on his stool. 

"I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape, you never want to know how much you weigh, you still have to squeeze into your jeans, but you're perfect to me." He sang perfectly to me. When he finished the solo he kissed me and the crowd went wild. I cried tears of joy as I smiled at Harry and Niall took on his solo.  

After the song was over Harry started to talk to me. 

"I love you." He whispered but you could still hear it through the mic. The whole crowd 'awwwed'. 

"I love you too Harry." I said, shedding tears of happiness and kissing him again. We walked off stage, ending the concert in full blown romance. 

"Thank you Harry." I said kissing him again.  

"Anything for you love.." Harry said

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