Chapter 11

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Hey guys... Poor Amanda and her tears :( at least Harry was there to comfort her. Romantic right? c: HAMANDA! Well Amanda has lost Gemma, forever, or temporarily? Keep reading.... xx

~Chapter 11

When Louis said we'd get a hotel in the morning he meant early. It was 8:30am and we were all dressed and at a hotel. 

"How should we split up our rooms?" 

"Me and Liam!" Niall said excitedly. Liam rolled his eyes playfully.  

"Amanda and I." Harry said. "But what about Gemma?" 

"She can room with Louis and I.." Zayn said. 

Harry just nodded his head as the lady at the checkout desk gave Louis 3 keys. We all went to our rooms and they were beautiful. There was a small kitchen, with a balcony, a small living room and bathroom, and the bedroom. This was gonna be amazing.. 

"The concerts in two days." Harry said after we unlocked from a kiss. I had my hands entangled in his curls. I've always wanted to play with them. 

"Harry I love your curls.." I mumbled swooning into another kiss. 

"Amanda." He said unlocking from my lips. "This concerts important. I have a surprise for you." 

"What is it?" 

"I told you it's a surprise." 

"Hello lovely couple!" Louis said walking in with the other 3 boys. 

"Hi Louis!" I said and he gave me a hug. 

"Not to be awkward..but do you guys have any idea where Gemma is?" Zayn asked. Like I said before they had a brother-sister relationship, it was very special. 

"She just walked off yesterday." I said. 

"Hmm... I'm gonna try and go find her." Zayn said leaving the room. 

"Do you think Zayn likes Gemma?" Harry said as soon as he was gone. 

"I think they're just friends mate." Liam said.  

"You thought the same about us didn't you?" He asked grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers with mine.


I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. 

From Zayn: I found Gemma. 

"Zayn found Gemma.." I said. 

"That's good." Harry mumbled.  

In about 10 minutes Zayn was knocking on our hotel room door, without Gemma. 

"I tried to bring Gemma here, but she refused to come." Zayn said. "I hate seeing her like this." 

"I wish she would have just talked to me.." I mumbled. I didn't like being at odds with my best friend, we'd been close. Forever. 

"Gemma will come around, I know her like the back of my hand." Zayn said putting his arm around me  

"I know Zayn, so do I. But Harry said the same thing. How long will it take?" I asked. 

"I don't know. I've never seen Gemma this mad." Zayn admitted. 

"Great!" I said laying back on the bed. All of a sudden I saw Harry on top of me and him pressing his lips to mine. After he sat up...  

"Sorry, I thought that might cheer you up." He said frowning.  

I kissed him again, "it did!"

I looked up at the doorway and saw Gemma standing there.  

"Looks ill be leaving now.." She said walking out. 

"Ughh!!!" I screamed and Harry grabbed my hand trying to calm me down

My Best Friend's Brother (Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now