Chapter 4

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Hey everyone... I'm really hyper!! Hopefully that won't effect my writing haha... I'm in a fight with a guy who doesn't like 1D! Ahh this directionator -_-... boobs!

~Chapter 4

"Hey!" Gemma said and then sighing. We began our walk to school once again.. I barely got any sleep and it didn't look like Gemma did either.

"I'm so sore from basketball." Gemma said stopping to tie her shoe.

"I bet!" I told her.

I heard a car honk and I looked over and saw a familiar black range rover. Harry's black range rover.

"Gemma I could have given you guys a ride!!! Get in!!" Harry shouted, rolling down the window. Gemma opened the door to the backseat and climbed in. I stood there, still, like a street sign.

"Come on Amanda!" She said snapping me out of my daze. I climbed into the car and Harry took off right away.

"Jeez Harry! Couldn't let me get in the car first?!" I said with attitude.

"Oh sorry..." He mumbled as we continued to drive.


"Bye Harry!" Gemma said, getting out with me following. I just shut the door behind me and kept walking. I was about to go to class when Gemma stopped me grabbing my arm.

"I meant to tell you this earlier, but Harry picked us up. I heard Harry say your name in his sleep last night." She said looking straight into my eyes.

"Are you sure? Why would he say my name?" I asked, now panicing. Harry could have said we kissed...or worse..

"Yeah. He kept saying 'Amanda' over and over."

"Thats weird." I said as the bell rang. Perfect timing.


"I'm so glad I don't have basketball today." Gemma said throwing her bag over her shoulder as we walked out of school. I saw the familiar black rang rover parked in the front...

"Hi Harry." I mumbled getting into the car. If I was going to forget it ever happened I had to go back to old times, and we were perfectly comfortable.

"Hey...." He said looking back at me through the rearview mirror.

"Do you guys wanna help me pack tonight?" Harry said in the quietness.

"What?! Do you have to leave already?! You've only been here 4 days!" Gemma said, now upset.

"Sorry Gem, I have to leave at one point. But I'm not the only one who has to pack."

"What?" Gemma and I said in sync.

"Management said we can bring some family along, and you guys know the boys love you."

"Wait, are you saying you want us to travel the world with you?"

"Well I wouldn't take anybody else." Harry said with a smile.

"That's amazing!!" I told him.

This would be amazing, traveling the world with One Direction. Screw the awkwardness, I wouldn't let that mess up an opportunity like this.

When we got home I helped Gemma pack her bags, and she helped me. We were leaving at the end of the week, and our first location was Paris, France.

My Best Friend's Brother (Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now