Chapter 9

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Hello!! Now you get to find out what Amanda wants to speak to Harry about.... :) enjoy xx

~Chapter 9

Harry took me to the nearest Starbucks. We got our drinks and sat down at a table. 

"What do you wanna talk about? Honestly I thought you were pissed at me." Harry said. 

"Why would I be mad at you?" 

"I don't know.. Because I told Louis about the kiss. I swear I didn't tell anyone else."  

"No it's fine." I said. "That's not what I wanted to talk about." 

"What is it..."  

"Well, I was thinking last night. Are we ever gonna have a chance at a real relationship? I mean, we like each other...." I asked. 

"Do you want one?" Harry asked. 

"Answer my question first." 

"Well, I think if we tried Gemma would grow to be happy for us. If we really wanted a relationship we could have one. Now my question, do you want one?" 

"I don't know. The kiss felt so right but so wrong. Waking up next to you, made me happy, but uncomfortable." 

"Let me clear your mind.." Harry said instantly smashing his lips to mine. I loved that kiss, it was so passionate. Harry's lips were perfectly moist, but not too wet, slightly tasting of his Starbucks drink. When he pulled away I leaned a little with him, trying to make the kiss longer, but he completely pulled away leaving me wanting more.  

Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach, then they were killed by paparazzi. I looked around and saw 4 photographers, they captured our kiss.  

"Gemma is gonna kill me." I mumbled. 

"She'll have to go through me first! She's your best friend! Just talk to her, talking always works with Gemma." Harry told me. 

"Yeah but I don't know about stuff like this." I told him. We got up and walked off. We turned into an old antique shop and Harry called Zayn. 

"Hey h---" 

"Is Gemma with you." Harry asked cutting him off. 

"Yes, we're at Nando's with Niall."  

Harry hung up.  

"Come on." Harry said grabbing my hand and leading the way. He laced his fingers with mine and we walked together. What was I getting myself into?

"There's Niall!" Harry said pointing at a table in the back. I saw two other heads next to him, obviously Gemma and Zayn. 

Harry pulled up a chair for me and a chair for him. He waited for me to sit down before he did. 

"Hey pals!" Harry said cheekily. Gemma pretended to be interested in her chipped red nail polish.  

"I'm so hungry." Niall said demolishing his Nando's. I laughed silently, holding back while Niall stuffed himself. 

"Hi Sis!" Harry said, trying to get her to speak to them. Zayn, being the guy he is and always knowing the right thing to do, stepped in. 

"Gemma.." He said softly nudging her. 

"Hi." She mumbled. 

"We need to talk." Harry said. 


"What you found out in truth or dare." Harry said. 

"Oh your relationship behind my back?" Gemma asked with an attitude. 

"Gemma it wasn't like that." I said quietly. 

"Of course it was. That's exactly what it was." 

"Gem, just hear them out." Zayn said. She rolled her eyes and stared at us, waiting for us to talk.  

"Thanks Zayn. And Gemma, Amanda's right. It was nothing like that. I like Amanda, I really do. I kissed her, that's all." Harry said shrugging. 

Aww, I thought to myself. "I really like Amanda, I really do." I thought repeating what he said in my mind.  

"Are you still mad?" Harry asked. Gemma let out a long sigh. 

"I guess not." She said sitting up straighter and uncrossing her arms from their position.  

"Harry.." I mumbled to him. He looked back at me and realized why I said his name. I was dating him. 

"How would you feel if me and Amanda tried a relationship?" 

Gemma instantly got up. "I take it back." She said walking away. 

"Gems!" Zayn yelled running after her. Niall stayed put finishing his Nando's. Harry and I stayed as well. 

"I told you she wouldn't accept it." I told him. "Harry she doesn't want us together." 

"I don't care what Gemma wants. I want you." Harry said intertwining his fingers with mine.  

If Gemma really was a true friend she'd understand right? Maybe I was meant to be with Harry.. Gemma would just have to accept that.

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