Chapter 3

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Here's chapter 3!!! I hope that this story is going well so far and that you guys like it. Thank you for taking the time to read it..if you do.. I'm on my computer for this chapter, so I'm hoping it will be longer. I usually use my iPod, but I'll try and use my computer more. Thanks again! xx

~Chapter 3

"Hurry up Amanda! We're gonna be late!" I heard my mom yell. I was taking longer then usual, but I wasn't really sure why. I glanced at myself in the mirror one more time, perfected my lipgloss, and went downstairs. It was 5:04. 

"Mom, its only 4 minutes past 5." I said. My mom always worried to much. She was a perfectionist. 

"Oh honey, you know how your mother likes to be on time!" My dad said. My dad started walking out the door, then my mother, then my sister, with me last. 


"Oh hello!! Come on in!!" Anne said. Anne always seemed to be in a good mood, no matter what. "Harry and Gemma are in the living room."
That was my cue to leave. Alicia followed me in. Harry was sitting on the small sofa by himself and Gemma was sitting in one of their chairs. I joined Harry on the couch, while Alicia placed herself in the other chair. 

After I sat down, I realized I was very close to Harry and scooted away a little. 

"How was basketball?" I asked Gemma. 

"Horrible. All we did was scrimmaging drills." She said rolling her eyes. I noticed when I talk Harry would watch me. I had myself an audience. 

"Gemma could you set the table please?" Anne asked. 

"Ugh..." Gemma said getting up. 

"Alicia, I forgot the dessert! Could you run home and get it?" My mom asked.

"Fine..." Everybody seemed to be negative tonight, except our parents.

"Soo..." Harry said as we sat in the silence.

"Harry were you gonna kiss me in the car?" I blurted out in a whisper.

Harry scooted a little closer to me and I could smell his wonderful cologne. He looked towards the kitchen to see if anyone was watching. 

"Harry.." I whispered as his face got closer. He pressed his lips to mine in a full-blown kiss. I could feel the sparks flying, I'd never had a kiss like this before. I could feel the passion and the romance going on between our two mouths. 

"Does that answer your question?" Harry asked pulling away slowly. 

"Time to eat!" Anne yelled. I immediately rose while Harry stayed there for a few seconds.

I sat in the open spot next to Gemma, and Harry sat on my right. All I could think about was that kiss. I didn't know if it was bad or good to feel like this about Harry anymore. I wonder how Gemma would feel if she knew.

"So Gemma, Amanda, how's school?" Anne asked.

"Good." We said in sync. After that, it was silence, except small talk between our parents. Gemma was stressed out from basketball, me and Harry shared a kiss, and Alicia never really got into the dinners.

When we all finished our meals me and Gemma cleaned up for our parents. Our parents talked and drank a little until about 8pm. We had awkward small talk until it was over. Besides that kiss, this night had been horrible. Even the kiss didn't make it that special. I wonder when it was right to tell Gemma, should I keep it a secret?

"Alright girls, time to go.  Thanks Anne for having us over." My mom said. "Goodnight Gemma and Harry."
"I'll go get our coats." I said going off to their guest room. I grabbed my coat and started to put it on when I heard someone come in. I looked back and saw Harry.

"Goodnight." Harry said pulling me in for a hug. It was warm and welcoming. I still didn't know if I could do this.

"Look Harry, I don't know if this is right." I admitted.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I don't know if us is right."

"Why not?"

"Gemma's my best friend. How's she gonna feel when she knows my feelings for her brother." I said.

"I don't care how she feels." He said grabbing my hand.

"I do." I said walking out of  the room with our coats.

"Goodnight!" I said walking out the door. I didn't wanna be at the Styles's house any longer.

As soon as I got home I went up to my room and got into bed. Someone knocked on the door then my sister Alicia walked in.

"What happened tonight?" She asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You we're acting really weird!"
"I don't know. What's going on?"

I decided I never usually keep secrets from my sister, why not tell her.

"Harry kissed me."


"Seriously! That's why I was acting so weird. My best friend's brother kissed me."

That night I went to sleep thinking about what I was gonna do...I've decided... I'm not gonna tell Gemma. I can't. I can't be with Harry either. I have to forget it ever happened. 

My Best Friend's Brother (Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now