Chapter 13

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Oooh cliff hanger... Poor Harry! He doesn't deserve to get shot :(.. Will this bring Gemma and Amanda back together as friends? Will Harry survive? .xx

~Chapter 13

I cried, and cried, and cried. Louis just let me fall into his arms. 

"Amanda, you've gotta pull yourself together. We have to go to the hospital, come on." He said leading me towards the door. I got myself to stop crying, I knew I had to be strong and be positive. It was just hard. 

Louis drove the whole way, me about to break in seconds. When we got to the hospital the whole gang was in the waiting room, even Gemma. Gemma and Zayn were in a tight hug, when we walked in they unlocked for a second. Gemma's face was a bright pink and her eyes were red with tears, kind of like mine. Louis wrapped his arms around me again and we sat down with them. I'd only seen Gemma cry one other time, and that was her parents divorce. 

I swear, we were there for hours, endless hours, when the doctor finally came out and approached our huge group. 

"You guys are here for Harry Styles right?" He asked. We all nodded our heads. "Well, he was shot in the side. We have to open him up to see if the bullet hit anything. Harry seems fine now, but he's lost a lot of blood. He'll more then half likely come out fine." 

The doctor said. I became uneasy, like I was gonna throw up. The tears came again and the doctor mumbled how sorry he was. We had a huge group hug.  

"He'll be fine." Liam managed to say, he looked like he was about to tear up to, the same as the rest of us.

It was an hour,maybe two, maybe four. It seemed like ages before that doctor approached us again. I was so nervous, I was digging my nails into Louis arm. 

"Sorry Lou." I mumbled. 

"Harry's awake now, the bullet just seemed to miss any important arteries." He said. I started crying again, but this time tears of relief. I couldn't believe I had any tears left. 

"He asked to see...uhh what was it?" The doctor said trying to remember. "Oh yes. Amanda. Is that one of you?" Louis pushed me toward him and the doctor started to lead. We walked towards the e.r and into one of the rooms in the very back. I saw a curly hair shirtless boy laying on the bed. They had a blanket wrapped around his bottom half and bandages around his waist. He looked very sleepy, but his eyes were open. 

"I'll just leave you two alone." The doctor said walking away. I walked to the side of the bed and grabbed Harry's hand and squeezed it. He squeezed back which caused me to have a little smile.  

"Harry what happened to you?" I asked. 

"It's just a mess." Harry said, his voice a little more raspy then usual but still perfect.

A/N: sorry in the middle of a story but best friends brother is playing on pandora hahahha coincidence ????;) keep reading!!!!!!!!!!!

"I was walking passed the small bank by the star bucks, and I just felt something go through my hip and I blacked out." He told me. 

"Oh my god, was someone trying to kill you ?!"  

"I think they caught him. He was aiming for someone in the bank." 

"I'm glad you're okay." I told him as I rubbed his thumb with mine. I kissed him on the lips, longer then usual, it was long and passionate. As always. 

"I've been wanting that for a while now." He said. "By the way the concerts been cancelled."  

"Aww...." I said trailing off. "Oh yeah, what was the surprise?" 

"Oh yeah....go get Louis. He'll show you."  

I kissed him one more time. "Be right back." I said walking out of the room.  

"Is Harry okay?" Gemma said as I instantly got out there. 

"He's fine, he'll just need recovery." I said. "Louis, Harry said you could show me the surprise for the concert." 

"I guess, if its cancelled." Lou said. He pulled out his phone and started scrolling. "Gemma come here." He said handing me the phone. "Watch, both of you." 

A video started playing. The screen said 'Two best friends'..then some pictures of me and Gemma. It was a slide show of countless pictures, of me and Gemma and our memories. With the boys, our parents, our best friends. Everyone. At the end, a picture of me, Gemma, and Harry in a group hug. 'Best Friends. No matter what. Forever.' It said. I looked at Gemma and she was staring at me. 

"Was Harry gonna show this at the concert?" Gemma asked and Louis nodded. 

"He wanted to get you to be friends again."  

Gemma started to smile. "I'm sorry Amanda."  

I gave her a hug, speechless. The waterworks flowed again, surprisingly I'm not out of tears. We all went back in to see Harry again. Zayn and Gemma were walking in front of us. Zayn grabbed Gemma's hand right before we got to the room. 

"Not now Zayn." She said. 

"Wait you two?!" I said. And Gemma nodded. "Then why were you so mad at me and Harry?"  

She walked into the room.  

"Hey Harry!" She said continuing to hold Zayns hand. 

"I told you Liam." He said. "I told you he liked her!"  

"Now to answer your question Amanda, I was mad up until I knew how Zayn and I felt about each other. I saw how happy it could make you. Everyone should be happy for you, no matter what. Especially your best friend." She said putting her arm around me

My Best Friend's Brother (Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now