Chapter 7

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Hey guys! I tried to make the last chapter really detailed, like describing how the characters work (as in Gemma and Amanda, we all know how Harold looks cuz he's sexy)! Haha well have fun reading!!!:) xx

~Chapter 7.

I woke up with my head on Harry's shoulder. We had been on the plane for 2 and a half hours, and there was still and hour left. 

"How'd you sleep love?" Harry asked noticing I was awake.  

"Fine." I told him. I actually slept amazing. Harry was a warm and comforting pillow.  

"Only 1 hour." Harry said. 

"Are we meeting up with the boys?" I asked. 

"Yeah, we're meeting at the airport. Then well be staying on the tour bus, or in hotels and stuff." Harry explained. Sounds glamorous doesn't it?  

I managed to stay awake and me and Harry started to talk. I got to know more about Harry... More then I thought even existed about Harry. Back in 8th grade Harry had his first kiss, with Mrs.Saliva (I'm making this up obviously for the story...) and he went to a camp in 6th and got poison ivy on his member. He had to wear ointment for 3 weeks. 

The hour passed quickly and we arrived at the airport. When we were walking the girls were going crazy and there were cameras every where. I seemed to have forgotten Harry was famous, I mean he is still the same guy. No way fame has changed him.  

We found Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis and ran off out of the airport. Liam greeted me with a hug and same with the other boys except Zayn. Gemma and Zayn had a brother and sister relationship so Zayn and her had a huge huge hug.  

We got into the tour bus, it was bigger then I expected. The boys all had their own beds...then I noticed there were only 5. 

"Where are me and Gemma gonna sleep?" I asked. 

"We'll figure something out..." Liam said. 

It turns out we were sharing bunks.. Liam took one with Niall and let Gemma sleep there. I was stuck in.. Harry's bed of course. He offered it up to me, and the other guys went with it. Perfect.. 

"I'm bored!" Niall said. 

"Let's play truth or dare!' Louis suggested, of course. We always played that game, and we seriously never got bored of it. I was sitting by Gemma on the couch, Louis and Harry were on Louis's bed, and the rest of the boys were on the floor so we were in a somewhat oval. 

"Me first!" Harry said. "Niall truth or dare?"  


"I dare you to kiss Liam on the cheek." Harry said. Niall went on and did it, it was kind of adorable!  

"Gemma truth or dare?" Niall said. 

"Uhh..truth." Gemma said safely. 

"Have you ever thought about dating one of us." 

"Ermh....yes." She said. 

Before Niall could ask who, she took her turn.  

"Louis truth or dare."  

"Dare." Louis said. 

"I dare you to kiss Harry on the cheek.. I couldn't think of anything so I went off Niall's dare." She said. He pecked him on the cheek quickly. 

"Easy! Amanda truth or dare?" 

"Truth!" I said. I knew, especially with Louis, dare could be dangerous. 

"Have you ever kissed one of us?" Louis asked. Harry nudged him right away, which means he probably told him. I didn't know what to say, I stated at Harry speechless.  

"You kissed Harry didn't you." Louis said. Harry nudged him harder.  

"You kissed Harry?!" Gemma said. I didn't know what to tell her. She ran off to the small bathroom and locked the door behind her. 

"I told you not to tell anyone!" Harry said hitting Louis one more time. 

"I wanted to know if it was true." Louis said 

"We'll now she's mad at me! I knew this would happen." I said.

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