Chapter 2

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I don't know how well this is going... I tried to make chapter 1 long, and I'm gonna try and make all the chapters long since in Fate the chapters were really short. But I'm on my iPod so it's kinda hard. Thanks for reading... 

By the way, in real life Gemma is older then Harry, but in here she's 15 and Harry's his real age.

~Chapter 2

"Amanda, honey it's time to get ready. You missed your alarm." I heard my mom say as I opened my eyes.  

"Ugh.." I said. I barely got any sleep last night, it's all because of Harry! I need to get myself together. It's 7:18 and I was supposed to get up at 7 right on the dot. Now I don't have enough time to do my hair, perfect.  

I checked my phone and Gemma texted me 3 times. She said we needed to leave a little earlier because Harry couldn't give us a ride, well wasn't I off to a good start of the day?

"Oh hello Amanda!" Anne, Gemma and Harry's mother, said opening the door. "Gemma! Amanda's here!"  

Suddenly Gemma came rushing down the stairs with Harry following.  

"Hey," She said to me grabbing her bag and an orange off the table. Harry was looking at me so I waved and he smiled.  

"Bye mom, bye Harry!" She said. Harry gave her a kiss on the cheek and we were on our way.

The walk was quiet and awkward, I don't know why because me and Gemma never run out of things to talk about. No matter how random the topics get.

"Is something going on with you and Harry?" Gemma asked finally breaking the silence. 

"No why would you ask that?" I said quickly.  

"Every time you're around he seems to get quiet, like he's in deep thought or something. Like this morning I saw him staring at you." She said.

Did Harry like me? Was it all in my head?

"I noticed him staring too. Kinda weird." I said as we both started to laugh. Our walk became less awkward as we arrived at school.

"Hey Amanda!" I heard Gemma yell. I turned to see her running towards me. "Harry came to give me a ride because he didn't know I had basketball practice. Come on he'll give you one." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me with her. I had no choice, but to go. There shouldn't have been a reason not to, I've known Harry my whole life, but Gemma didn't know I thought I might be falling for him. Wait, no. I'm not falling for him. I can't. 

"Hey Amanda." Harry said interrupting my thoughts when we got to the car. He had his windows rolled down and the music at a soft quiet level. I could hear Paradise by Coldplay playing softly.  

"Hi Harry."  

"See you guys later. I love you." Gemma said running off to practice. I stood there awkwardly. 

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Harry said as he started to laugh. "Get in!"  

I opened the door and sat in the front seat. The car ride was about 5 minutes, so I should be able to handle this.  

"How's school?" Harry said as we took the first right of our route. 

"Good so far." I said. "'s being famous?"  

"It's good but I miss the privacy and the family you know?"  

"Yeah I would miss that too." I said as we sat awkwardly in the silence. We pulled up in the Styles's driveway and I was about to get out when Harry started to talk.  

"I really missed seeing you.." Harry said as he paused for a second. "..and Gemma together."  

"I missed seeing you too Harry." By now he was looking me straight in the eyes and the car was turned off. 

He was looking at my lips as I watched his green eyes, he was gonna kiss me! The worst thing was, my heart told me to stay there. To let him kiss me.  

"Amanda! Hello again!" Anne said, as I turned my head to look back at her. She had a huge smile on her face and she was walking towards the car.  

I looked back at Harry and he looked bummed out. His chance to kiss me was gone. I can't believe I was gonna let him kiss me! I was seriously losing it!

"Please, dear, come over for dinner! Even bring your parents! It'll be like old times since Harry's back!" She said. 

"Okay Anne, ill ask my parents. Thanks for the invite!" I said walking over to my house.

"Mom?" I called out. She came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with a dish towel. "Anne invited us over for dinner tonight."  

"Oh, well I didn't have anything planned. Tell her we'll be over at 5!"  

Great... Dinner with the boy I wasn't allowed to have feelings for, who was gonna kiss me. Oh my

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