Chapter 15

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Hey guys...wasn't that romantic what harry did for Amanda??<3 so adorable. HAMANDA!

~Chapter 15

Each week the concerts kept going and going... Yesterday was our last concert in the U.K now were going to the U.S... Harry didn't seem too enthused, but I didn't know why. 

"Harry why aren't you excited? I thought you loved your job?" I asked as we lied in bed together.  

"I don't know.. I miss my family I guess." He mumbled, not looking me in the eyes. 

I just snuggled up to him trying to comfort him.  

When I woke up in the morning Harry wasn't in the bed. I just couldn't help but feel isolated from him, like he was hiding something. 

Liam was sitting on the couch when I sat up in bed, everybody else seemed to go somewhere.  

"Hey Liam, where's Harry?" I asked, yawning. 

"He went for a walk. He said he had to uhh...clear his head!" Liam told me, continuing to read his book. Clear his head? What did he need to clear his head for, as far as I knew he had a perfect life. He had a girlfriend, an amazing job, great friends, a supporting family. What was making Harry upset? 

A few hours passed...I spent that time in the tour bus with Liam waiting for Harry to return. I figured his walk wouldn't be this long. 

"Harry's been gone a while.." I mumbled. 

"Do you want me to go look for him with you?" Liam asked. He was always a lot of help. 

"No..I'm sure he'll show up." I said.

The tour bus opened up, I hoped with all I had that it would be Harry but it was Louis.

"Hey guys." He said when he walked in. 

"Hi..." I replied, afterwards letting out a sigh.  

"What's wrong?" Louis asked sitting down next to me.  

"Nothing.. Just, Harry went on a 6 hour walk." I said putting my chin in my hands. 

"Love, it probably wasn't just a walk." Louis said stating the obvious. 

"I know Lou, I know." I said. He put his arm around me and gave me a hug. 

The night went on... It was 9:30 and Harry still hadn't returned. I climbed into bed, all alone, and tried to go to sleep. Everybody else seemed to fall asleep already, so I figured if I did when I woke up Harry would be back. 

When my head hit the pillow and I almost fell asleep I heard the door open. I instantly shot up out of bed. I saw a curly head stumble through the door. 

"Harry!" I whispered. I jumped up and got to him. Once I got closer I could smell his reek of alcohol. "Have you been drinking?!" 

He smashed his lips to mine and I could instantly taste the beer. I pushed him off me. 

"Amanddaa." He mumbled trying to kiss me again. 

"Harry stop you're drunk." I said. 

"You don't want me?" Harry asked. 

"I love you, but not when you're like this." I admitted. 

"Come on..." He said trying one more time. 

"Louis!!!" I yelled, now worried of what Harry might do drunk. Louis woke up easily and got up. 

"Harry are you drunk?" He asked. 

"You know Amanda if you don't like me we can be done." Harry said.  

"Harry..!" I begged, he put his hand in my face and went to bed. 

I broke right away.. Down in tears. Of course Louis was there to comfort me. I cried into his arms, and I fell asleep in his bed instead of Harry's.


I woke up to Harry coughing loudly, most of us woke up to that. My eyes were tear stained still. 

"Harry are you alright?" Liam asked. He nodded his head. 

"What happened last night?" He asked holding his head, then he turned to look at me. He saw me in Louis bed. He was about to question us when suddenly he remembered everything. 

"Amanda. Did we..." He asked. He was about to finish his sentence when Louis interrupted. 

"You dumped her mate."  

"Amanda I'm sorry." He said getting up. I sat on the edge of Louis's bed. "I was drunk, I wasn't thinking. Please!" 

I wanted to take him back in my arms. I really did. It just didn't feel right. 

"Even though you were drunk, I think you meant everything you said last night." I said rolling back over in Louis's bed. Harry put his head in his hands.  

I went home that day, off tour. Harry and me....over

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