Chapter 8

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The kiss you video came out today everybody!!! Oh my god I'm in love!!! I love them so much, it's unbelievable!! haha this is great! Thanks for's chapt.8!

~Chapter 8

"Come on Gemma! Let me in! Talk to me!" I screamed pounding on the door. 

"Why don't you talk to my brother?!" She said back. 

"Ugh!" I screamed. I sat down on the couch and Louis sat down next to me while I put my head in my hands. 

"I'm really sorry Amanda. I didn't mean for this happen." Louis said rubbing my back softly. I started to tear up.  

"We've never gotten in a fight before. Never." I said. Louis embraced me in a hug, which was exactly what I needed. 

I cried silently into the crook of his neck.  

"I'm really sorry." He said I pulled away and looked into his blue eyes. 

"Thank you Louis." I said as we had another hug. 

"I can't get Gemma out of the bathroom." Harry said sitting down on my left side. 

"Neither could I. What are we gonna do?" I asked.  

"I don't know. I'm sorry Amanda.." Harry said squeezing my hand.


I was almost asleep, and the bus was silent. Harry was on the opposite side of the bed and I was basically hanging off the edge, trying to keep my distance. I swear Gemma fell asleep in the bathroom, until I heard the door creak open. I shot up instantly wide awake. 

"Gemma, what are you doing?"  

"I gotta go to sleep sometime don't I?"  

"Can we talk?" I pleaded. 

"Goodnight!" She said sliding under her blankets... 

Whatever, I thought to myself.


I felt someone against me when I woke up. I opened my eyes and saw me and Harry had got closer in the middle of the night. We were basically cuddling face to face. Harry eyes began to open... 

"Good morning.." He mumbled. I jumped out of the bed and got up to get an apple. My hair was a mess and I looked like crap from crying last night.  

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked following me into the tour bus kitchen. 

"I'm fine I guess." We'd come to a stop in Paris, their first concert was here. We were finding a hotel today, hopefully. "Where's Gemma?" 

"Probably out with Zayn..they always do stuff together." Harry said. 

"Can we go somewhere. I need to talk to you and Gemma.. But you first."  

"Of course." Harry said.

Hey guys what do you think?! Cliff hanger!!! What do you think Amanda wants to talk to Harry about? :D thanks for reading

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