Chapter 5

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~Chapter 5

"No Amanda, my lucky necklace goes in my make up bag!" Gemma said ripping it from my hands. 

"Sorry!!" I said in defense scooting away. 

We had just started packing her bags, since we already got mine done.  

"Do you get your attitude from Lou?" Harry said with a laugh. Gemma threw a white shirt at him and it hit him in the face. "Ow!"  

I just laughed at him. Forgetting had suddenly become easy.

"GEMMA PHONE CALL FOR YOU!" Anne yelled up the stairs.  

"I'll be right back." Gemma said walking out leaving me and Harry alone.  

"So.." Harry said sitting closer to me. "Are you excited to go on tour with me and my mates."  

"Who wouldn't be?" I said laughing. Looks like things are back to normal. Thank god.  

"Amanda..." Harry started. He got a little closer with each second, before I knew it he was inches from my lips. I pulled away, I couldn't let this happen again. 

"Harry! You've ruined everything!" I shouted in a whisper. 

"What?!" He said confused. 

"I'm attracted to you, and you're attracted to me. We can't be together and you keep trying to kiss me. It just makes things awkward."  

Before Harry could respond Gemma walked in.  

"It was just Emily, asking about the science project." She said 

"Oh.." I said.  

"Oh yeah my mom wants to know if you're spending the night?" 

"Sure why not.." I said as we continued to pack.  

I trailed off in thought... Was this trip gonna be as good as I thought? Was I gonna fall deeper for Harry? Was it just gonna be an awkward couple of months? Maybe the best trip of my life? 

"Hello earth to Amanda!!' Gemma was shouting waving her hand in my face. 

"Sorry." I said. I looked up and Harry was staring at me, as if he knew what I was thinking.  

"So is this a good outfit?" She asked showing me a pair of short shorts and a green top. 

"The shorts are far too short." Harry said giving his opinion. 

"Shut up Harry!" She said rolling her eyes. 

"Looks fine." I told her.  

She shoved it into the bag. And zipped it up. 

"Ugh finally done. I'm exhausted!" She said climbing into her bed.  

"Guess I might as well hit the hay too." I said slipping into the mattress lied out on the floor.  

Harry stayed in the room for a little bit until realizing he should leave, "Well, goodnight guys."  

"Goodnight Harry." I whispered to myself. 

I lied on the mattress for what seemed like ages, I looked at the clock and it was 11:32. We went to bed at 10:30, looks like I wasn't getting much sleep. I got out of the bed, to go to the bathroom to get some water. Hopefully that would help me sleep.  

I opened the door and walked towards the bathroom in the complete darkness. I searched around for the doorknob and felt something hard and muscular.  

"Who's there?" I heard the recognizable, raspy, yet soft voice say. 


"Amanda?" He said. I realized my hand was still on his chest so I removed it. "What are you doing?"  

"Going to get a drink of water. Can't see anything without a bloody light." I told him.  

"It's this way," He said grabbing my hand. He led me straight and I heard a door open. Then the light came on. I noticed Harry was only wearing his boxers. I tried to make it look like I didn't see. 

"Thanks Harry." I said, going in and shutting the door behind me

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