Chapter 12

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Looks like Gemma is being stubborn.. Will she come around???:o

~Chapter 12

"Goodnight Harry." I said kissing him on the nose as we lied in bed together. He pulled me close to him, and kissed me again. This time with more power and more lust.  

"Goodnight babe." He said back as we snuggled back to each other.


The next day I awoke to a kiss by Harry's soft lips. 

"Good morning beautiful." He said. "I have to leave early for rehearsal. Ill see you later."  

He kissed me on the cheek and put on his sweatshirt. 

"Bye Harry." I mumbled, still sleepy.


When I woke up from going back to bed, I had 4 missed calls. From the boys. The first number that popped up was Louis, so that's who I called back. 

"Amanda! Finally you call back!" 

"Why'd you guys call?" I asked getting out of bed.  

"Is Harry with you?" When he said that my heart sank. He said he was going to rehearsal. Wouldn't that mean he should be with Louis? 

"Isn't he at rehearsal?" 

"He's not here." Louis said. 

I put my hands on my head.  

"Where is he?" I said. 

"We figured he was with you." 

"He left an hour ago." I said. I was always an over thinker, all I was getting was bad thoughts. "Have you called him?" My voice started to move in pitch, that only happened when I was about to cry. 

"Amanda do you want me to come over? Are you okay?" 

"If you want to." My voice getting weaker. 

"Be right there."  

"Ok." I managed to squeal out before hanging up and starting to cry. I didn't know why I was crying. Harry could be fine, but that was never my luck.

About 20 minutes passed when Louis finally showed up. I managed to dry my eyes, but they were red. Louis knew I was crying, he embraced me in a tight hug.  

"Stop crying love, we'll find Harry." He said as he squeezed me tighter. "He's fine."  

"How do you know?" 

"I'm an optimist." He said. Too bad I wasn't. I mean I hoped for the best, but I always worried.  

Louis spent hours with me, and we still hadn't heard a thing from Harry. 

"Maybe Gemma knows where Harry is? Here's your chance to talk to her." Louis suggested. I pulled out my phone out, willing to try anything, dialing her number. 



"Ugh" She said. I figured she was about to hang up so I hurried and explained myself. 

"We can't find Harry!" 

"You lost my brother?" She spat in the telephone. 

"He said he was going to rehearsal, then the boys called saying they couldn't find him. Do you know where he is." 

"No. Is he okay?" 

"No one knows."  

"Oh..thanks for letting me know Amanda." 

"What are friends for?" I asked and we both hung up. 

"No luck?" Louis asked. 

"She hasn't seen him. I'm starting to get worried." Instantly Louis's phone started to ring. 

"Hello?" Louis said. I couldn't hear what the person on the other line was saying, but I listened carefully. 

"What happened?" He spoke into his phone. Was this about Harry? "How is that possible?"  

"Yeah well be right there."  


Louis said hanging up.  

"What's going on?" I asked. 


"What about harry?" 

"Harry.... H-h-he was shot." Louis spilled out, and the tears started flowing. Instantly, as if in cue

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