Chapter Fourteen - Past

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Chapter Fourteen - Past

Senior Year

    The thought of Petra and Levi together never left my thoughts during the day. I couldn't concentrate in class, and it was really pissing me off. I didn't need to be thinking about the two of them, they aren't even my friends!

    Just thinking about them siting close together, laughing together, holding hands together, going out on dates together, and kissing together irritated me in ways I couldn't explain.

    God, I really hate couples.

    Needless to say, I was really nervous to walk into art class. I stood outside the door for a good two minutes, almost forgetting that I would be late if my ass wasn't in my seat in less than forty seconds.

    I ignored how fast my heart was beating and how my hand was shaking as I reached for the silver door handle. I walked in quickly, a couple of heads shooting up to look at me as I did so, but then looked away.

    I sat down in my regular spot next to Levi in the back. I didn't glance at him and just stared off into space in front of the classroom. I ran a still shaky hand nervously through my hair. I then brought both of my hands together and tried to pop my fingers, which didn't work too well and I ended up mumbling, "Fuck."

    I don't like popping my fingers that much okay?

    I would always pretend to pop them because you know, you seem tough when you're having an argument with a horse then all of a sudden you pop your fingers with a pissed off look on your face.

    But I never truly liked the feeling of popping my fingers, and only did it on certain occasions like this one, except this time I failed.

    I heard a small scoff next to me that knocked me out of my thoughts. "Can't even do something as simple as popping your fingers can you Jaeger?"

    I turned my head to look at him quickly, caught off guard by what he had said. His eyes were looking at me with little interest. He still had his usual frown on his face and had his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Well, popping your fingers is actually pretty bad for you. I'm glad I couldn't do it."

    He didn't bother to reply and just faced the front where the teacher was. Basically, he didn't say anything we didn't know. He told us to be working on our projects, not to be too loud, not to be slacking, and so on and so forth. I didn't really see the need to repeat that every single day, but you know, I don't see the need in a lot of things.

    Looks like it's now or never.

    "So, Levi," I started to say, my nervousness leaving from me and instead boldness taking over. "Any ideas?"


    I tried hard to hide the smirk that threatened to play on my lips. I turned my head to look at him with a somewhat cocky attitude. Oh fuck, Jean is the last person I want to turn into. I need to calm down a bit.

    I sighed a bit over dramatically. "That sucks man," I commented. "You know, not being passionate about anything. I mean, since you clearly don't have any ideas whatsoever, you must not be passionate about anything or truly love anything. That must be a pretty shitty feeling."

    Levi's full attention was on me. The longer I talked, the more the glare was starting to form in his eyes. He opened his mouth to retort, but I cut him off. The words kept rolling off the tip off my tongue and I couldn't stop them, and I didn't really want to for that matter.

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