Chapter Nine - Present

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Chapter Nine - Present

    You know, kids are in such a hurry to grow up and become adults. They think you can do whatever you want, no one can tell you what to do, and overall, it's just better being an adult.

    It's not.

    You can't do whatever you want no matter how old you are. There are rules you have to follow every second of every day of every year. Age means nothing. People can still tell you what to do even as an adult. It may not necessarily be your parents and the assholes in high school, but the police and government tell you what you can and can't do. Sure, you have more freedom, but you have more responsibilities which means more stress on your shoulders. Bills, having a good job, taking care of yourself and or family, bills, and oh yeah, did I mention bills?

    Moral of the story, enjoy being a kid.

    You're going to miss it, trust me.

    In fact, I wish I remembered what my high school life was like. I don't really remember any part of it.

    I know I graduated at...Titan High. Oh yeah, it was also really crowded since it was such a large school. I didn't like most of the teachers.

    But, I don't really remember the classes I took either.

    I let out an agitated sigh and ran my hands through my hair. It wasn't good that I was getting stressed at work where everyone could see and judge me.

    I mumbled curse words quietly under my breath as I was untying my stupid apron. I took it off and tried to fold it as neatly as I could, which didn't work too well since I was angry.

    I walked away from the counter and went to find Jean. After a few moments of scanning the coffee shop, I found Jean at a table with Marco in front of him.

    I walked over to them with my hands curled up into fists. When I finally got there, I rudely interrupted their conversation by saying, "Look Jean, I'm sorry, but I need to leave early."

    "Again?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

    I sighed and ran shaky hands through my hair. "I'm sorry."

    He grunted and gave me a dismissive wave, telling me to go. I muttered a "Thank you" but it went unnoticed by him. I headed for the door and went outside.

    I've left work a decent amount of times before because I've gotten so angry. Maybe I should get counseling or something.

    "Leaving again, eh?"

    I turned around quickly and saw the short man with a cigarette in between his pale fingers. He was leaning against the wall and was looking at me with little interest.

    I nodded in reply.

    "Goddamn Jaeger," he said with a small scoff. He brought the cigarette to his lips and took in a deep breath of the toxic smoke before blowing it out into the air. "You know you can't just walk out every single time whenever you're mad. Control you anger."

    I glared at him. "It's easier said than done," I snapped. "Do you think I want to be fucking angry all the time? I don't. If I could control it, I would, Levi."

    He noticed the way I said his name with spite. Although, he didn't really care. In fact, I think he found my little rant rather amusing.

    Levi brought the cigarette up back to his lips once more. I stared at him as he was doing so.

    Maybe I should try one. Maybe it'll help me somehow. Maybe I won't feel stressed as much if I smoke. Maybe.

    "You don't want one," Levi stated while stomping it into the ground. "Once you start, it is extremely difficult to stop."

Chasing Dandelions //Ereri// *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now