Chapter One - Present

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Chapter One - Present

    As the light seeped through the curtains, my eyes opened slowly. I saw the white ceiling one second, then complete and utter darkness the next. I didn't mind it though, I was used to the darkness by now.

    I rubbed my eyes and started to sit up. I let out a small yawn and put my arms above my head, my shirt lifting up slightly. I let my arms fall down and started to slouch.

    It was extremely quiet inside my house. It was also extremely cold.

    Well, it is Winter, Eren. Of course it would be extremely cold you idiot. Especially when you don't even have the heat up high.

    I sighed and ran my hands down my face. I got out from under the extremely soft, black blanket and put my feet on the cold mahogany wood floor.

    I walked over to the bedroom door, dragging my bare feet across the floor. I opened the door and started walking to the kitchen.

    It was so quiet. I could hear my footsteps slightly echo, that's how quiet it was in here. It felt weird. I guess it would though. A twenty year old guy should really have more friends.

    Or, at least a friend.

    I had no friends whatsoever. I haven't talked to anyone in forever. Hell, I don't even know if I know how to socialize anymore.

    As I walked into the kitchen, the floor got even colder. I looked down and noticed that the floor was tile, which would explain why it was colder.

    I sighed and scratched the back of my head. I think the mugs were in... this cabinet?

    "Aha!" I exclaimed with a grin. The wooden cabinet I opened had mugs and tea cups in there.

    Tea cups? Was I really into tea before?

    I shrugged it off and grabbed a black coffee mug. I noticed white letters on them and decided to read what it said.

What do we want?
When do we want it?

    I let out a chuckle, trying to remember where I might have gotten it from. When I couldn't remember, I sighed and continued to make my coffee.

    "My name is Eren Jeager. I'm twenty years old. I... don't have any siblings? Or do I? Ah, fuck. I graduated from Titan High...? Yeah, yeah, Titan High," I mumbled to myself.

    Whenever my coffee was ready, I grabbed the handle and made my way to the dark colored couch. I couldn't exactly tell if it was black or a dark brown.

    I sat down either way and stared into space, sipping my coffee slowly and quietly. My mind and its thoughts were the only thing to accompany me, and I wasn't too sure how great of an idea that was.

    My thoughts can scare me at times when I'm alone. I find it funny how thoughts can scare you. Somehow, you wander so deeply into a hidden part of your brain that was clearly hidden for a reason. Whenever you find that place, it is extremely dark with very little light seeping through. If you stay there long enough and travel deeper, you'll eventually get lost and it will be extremely difficult to find your way back, because you are surrounded in absolute darkness. That part of your brain holds your deepest and darkest thoughts and fears and worries and everything in between. You have basically managed traumatize yourself with your own mind.

    So if you've ever done this, and I know I have considering I'm alone over ninety percent of the time, you should give yourself a round of applause.

    I sat the coffee mug down on the coffee table and stood up quickly. I jogged back to my room and quickly went to my closet.

    I grabbed my black 'Nirvana' shirt and some black jeans. I also grabbed a gray beanie and black sweater since it was cold. I put on a random pair of black and white converse and brushed my teeth.

    I didn't even bother to fix my hair since I was wearing a beanie. I grabbed my phone and keys and quickly headed out the door.

    As I was walking down the street, I pulled my beanie down to make sure it was covering my ears.

    I saw kids outside making snowmen and having snowball fights. I got a small smile at how carefree they all were.

    I didn't know where I was walking, but I didn't stop. I needed to get out and get some fresh air. I can't stay in my house all the time.

    I started to slow down when I came to a small café. I wasn't going to go in, but there was someone out there who looked... interesting to say the least.

    I started to walk towards them, nervousness building up inside of me. It must be pretty weird for a stranger to walk up to you and start a conversation.

    "Um, hi," I started to say. The male didn't even look up from his phone whenever I spoke. "I, uh, I know this must be pretty weird but, uh-"

    "Spit it out already," they hissed.

    I flinched a little bit, thrown off by their tone. I cleared my throat and continued, trying my best to hide my nervousness.

    "Um, what's your name? Sorry, you just, I don't know, you uh, ah fuck."

    "Am I that handome?" they asked, sarcasm dripping from their deep voice.

    He looked up at me. His eyes were very, very, very intimidating. Everything about him was intimidating, yet interesting.

    I started to get flustered and felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

    He just stared at me, studying me almost. His eyes almost had.. a little bit of shock. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

    Maybe he was shocked that I was either a) extremely handsome or b) extremely hideous and he didn't know one human being could be that hideous.

    "I, uh, sorry for bothering you."

    I spun on my heel and started to walk away, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard his voice again.

    "Oi! Brat!"

    I turned around and looked at the guy who had his hands in his leather jacket's pockets.


    "Levi. My name is Levi."

    Then he walked into the coffee shop, not giving me a chance to tell him my own name.

New Fanfic yay!

I've been wanting to do an Ereri fanfic for so long, you have no idea.


Anyway, I hope this was an interesting first chapter. If you're confused, good. Huee, more will be explain in the chapters coming up.

I'm so excited hehehehe.

I'm planning on making this a long story too!

I don't know if I will put smut. I don't even know if I can write smut.

Constructive criticism is always welcome! Also, tell me if you want smut or not XD.

Thanks for all the support!


Edit 12/24/14
If this is published, you should know everything above the date that you just read has been pre written

Updates will not happen regularly, this was just a preview for my new fan fic!

I'm not sure when updates will happen, but when they happen, they'll happen.

So yeah, just wanted to make sure you guys knew!


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