Chapter Eighteen - Past

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Chapter Eighteen - Past

Senior Year

It had been five days since I had gotten beat up by Levi, and I still had nothing for the project we were supposed to do.

Absolutely nothing at all.

I completely refused to do all the work by myself and I would much rather fail, which probably wasn't too smart of an idea at the end of the day. But you see, if I did do it all, I would at least get a "B" on it, and so would Levi since he's my partner and he didn't deserve it at all if he refused to help.

So, to avoid getting yelled at by Mr. Jones, I always acted as if I was drawing for the assignment, but I never really was.

However, I didn't avoid getting yelled at by Mikasa for leaving without her, and just in general, for getting myself into a fight. Maybe other people would get annoyed at their sibling for always yelling at them for getting in trouble, or being "over protecting" as one might say, but at the end of the day, I didn't mind. I knew she did it because she loved me and cared about me, so it never made me extremely angry.

I never really knew for sure if Erwin did give that piece of paper to Levi since I didn't have any classes with him and barely saw him in general. The only time I would see him and that group of friends was at lunch, but I couldn't exactly get up and go over to them because I would get in trouble.

Plus, that's super awkward, and I absolutely do not need another embarrassing moment to unintentionally look back on and cringe.

Although, sometimes when our class got up to leave and pass by the table they sat at, I would glance at them and Petra would flash me a smile. I would always smile back of course, because it was the polite thing to do.

It killed me inside not knowing how Levi felt about Petra because it was so clear how she felt about him. You could just tell by the way she looked at him that she truly cared about him and was falling hard, and would eventually break into a million pieces from the impact.

But there was also the possibility that she wouldn't break, that someone would catch her, and that someone could be Levi.

Levi could be falling just as hard for her but just wasn't showing it because he had to keep up his facade. One of them will eventually confess their feelings for one another, because who really wants to go through all the pain of hiding your feelings for someone that long?

Petra was a very nice person and almost no one hated her, and maybe part of that reason was because she was head cheerleader, but either way, there was not one bad thing talked about her.

Girls would describe her as a nice, caring person who was fun to be around and wasn't judgmental. She had ambitions in her life, was smart, and easy to talk to. She was literally most guys dream girl.

The guys would say some things about her too, some of which were nice, and then some of that, well, were just about appearances.

I never really understood why guys were so obsessed with girls and their boobs or butt. Like yeah, they're guys, they tend to have the nature to casually look at a girl's butt or chest when they walk by, but that doesn't justify their actions.

Girls are more than a pair of boobs or butt, they're more than something used to just please you, and it's time that people start treating them like actual people and less like a sex object.

Of course, the same can happen to guys too. It's true it's less common to some degree, but it doesn't mean that it isn't a problem and isn't there.

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