Chapter Sixteen - Past

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Chapter Sixteen - Past

Senior Year

    Holy fucking shit.

    My hand immediately went to my head, then my eye, then my jaw, then back to my head again. I don't think I needed to point out that all of it really fucking hurt.

    How is there so much power in a tiny guy's fist?

    "You should lie back down, Eren," a female voice stated. I looked around slowly and saw the nurse walking over towards me with an ice pack.

    I started to lie back down on the small maroon infirmary bed. She then put the ice pack on top of the spot that was pounding.

    "Put it wherever you need to," she stated. I gave her a small nod and started to hold the ice pack in place as she started to walk away.

    She sounds like she hates her life.

    Well at least you don't have a black eye, bruised jaw, and a pounding head lady, although I'm positive there are worst things than what happened to me.

    It was kind of an awkward silence in the room. Neither of us said anything. The only sound there was was coming from her keyboard as she was typing away.

    "So," I started to say, "what happened to Levi?"

    "Ackerman?" she asked, never taking her eyes off of the computer.

    I nodded but then realized she most likely didn't see me. "Yeah. Is he okay?" I asked.

    Her typing stopped abruptly. She slowly turned to the side in her chair, facing my direction. She had one eyebrow raised and a suspicious look on her face. "The kid beat you up and you want to know if he's okay?" she asked slowly.

    I nodded. "Yes ma'am. If I'm allowed to of course."

    She let out a sigh and ran a hand through her blonde bangs. "Well, he's in ISS for five days. I'm sure he doesn't care though, it's not like he left that room with a scratch - Oh yeah, before I forget, you don't have ISS since you didn't hit back."

    I felt my face heat up from embarrassment a little bit and moved the ice pack to my jaw, feeling relieved that I didn't have ISS. "Well, yeah, but like, is he still angry?"

    She shrugged. "I dunno. Didn't talk to him since he wasn't hurt."

    I let out an exhausted sigh. "Thanks." The nurse just nodded and turned back around in her chair and got to work.

    It was cool and quiet once more, the only sound in the room was her typing and the occasional click of the mouse.

    I had forgotten that he had punched my eye until I felt a sharp pain there. I winced and mumbled a small, "Shit." I immediately moved the ice pack there and relaxed a little bit.

    There was a frantic knock at the door, but I couldn't really see the door because of the ice pack. The nurse had called out, "Come in," and the door opened quickly.

    "Eren!" Mikasa's voice yelled. She quickly made her way towards me and held the ice pack on my eye. "Oh my god, Eren!"

    "Hi, Miki," I mumbled.

    "Dear God, Eren," Armin's voice muttered beside me. "I didn't know you got beat up this bad. I actually didn't know you get beat up at all until Mikasa had told me."

    I shrugged. "It's not that bad," I stated. "One punch to the eye. One punch to the jaw. One extremely hard pull on my hair. That's all really. I think. I got another punch somewhere that knocked me out."

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