Chapter Seventeen - Present

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Chapter Seventeen - Present

    It was completely silent besides the ticking of the clock and the occasional tap of my pencil on the desk. I was currently staring at the page with Levi's number on it, debating whether I should text him or not.

    He gave me his number four days ago, and I haven't texted him or called him at all.

    Although, there have been several occasions where I would type something, but never press send. There would also be times where I would type in nine numbers, but never type in the last.

    He hasn't said anything about it to me though. He just occasionally talks to me at work without bringing it up.

    I haven't sketched or painted anything either, and I felt bad about it. It's not that I didn't want to paint him something, it's just that I didn't know what to paint and didn't want to ask.

    I did have a couple ideas, but I wasn't completely sure about them.

    First thing I thought about painting him was a wilted rose. I don't exactly know why though. I mean, Roses are nice. I don't know why I want to draw it wilted, but I just do. It was simple, but a part of me didn't want to paint him something that simple, he deserved something better.

    I also just thought about sketching the café with Levi and his apron on cleaning the tables or sweeping the floor, some customers at random tables, maybe Jean and Marco talking in the corner somewhere.

    I thought that would be a bit boring though, and I really didn't want to paint him something that was boring and lame. I mean, he works there and basically lives the painting every day, so I'm sure he wouldn't really need a picture about it.

    Then, there was the last option.

    The last option though, it was a bit of a gamble.

    Part of me wanted to draw Levi playing the Violin.

    I wasn't too sure if he would actually let me hear him play though considering the fact he seems like a secretive person and I didn't even know if I was considered his friend.

    That Hanji girl had said that she was Levi's best friend, and he had just called her an acquaintance and completely rejected her.

    I've wanted to hear and see Levi play for a while now, but I guess I'm just too nervous to ask. I don't know if he doesn't like playing in front of people or something like that, and I'll feel a bit bad if he does and I ask to listen to him.

    But then again, if he was, he wouldn't even hesitate to say no.

    I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

    I'm such a wuss.

    I stared at my phone that was sitting on the dark red table in front of me. I tapped my fingers at a steady pace and bit my lip in thought.

    After a couple of minutes, I grabbed the phone and punched in a number quickly and held it up to my ear.

    One ring, two rings, three-

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