Chapter Six - Past

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Chapter Six - Past

Senior Year

    I walked outside with Armin to my left and Mikasa to my right. Honestly, if we had sunglasses, if the blonde blob was stronger, and if we were walking in slow motion with the wind blowing in our hair, we would have looked extremely badass.


    The three of us were walking towards some shade under a tree where the rest of our "group" was.

    I noticed that the horse and the freckled boy were both blushing. I wonder what they did or said to each other to turn that shade of red.

    Probably a blow job in the restroom.

    Weird shit goes on in the boys restroom.

    "Guys!" Sasha yelled whenever she saw us. "Okay, we were all talking, and we should go do something together!"

    "Like?" Mikasa asked with her eyebrow raised.

    "Like get ice cream!"

    Jean put his hand on his forehead and sighed. "Sasha, we already said no to that. We aren't getting ice cream."

    "How about we all go back to my place?" Connie offered with a shrug. "We can play board or video games. There will be food."

    Sasha got a huge smile. "Y-Yeah! I vote we go to Connie's place!" She clasped her hands together and gave us all a puppy dog look. "Please?"

    Jean got a smirk. "You really want to make out with Connie secretly in the restroom, don't you, Sasha?"

    Connie and Sasha both blushed heavily. "Eh?!? Jean! That's nasty!" she yelled.

    "Not to Jean," I stated, a sly grin making its way onto my face. "I'm sure he makes out with his pillow every night, even using his tongue."

    Everyone laughed except for Jean. He crossed his arms over his chest and scoffed. "Shut up Jaeger!" he barked. "Why would I make out why my pillow?"

    "Um, because you're alone and horny at night, and if you masturbated it would be too loud and you don't want your mom to know her sweet Jeanny Boy touches himself alone at night?"

    There was laughter once more and Jean glared at me. "I swear to God, Jaeger, I'll-"

    "So back to my place then!" Connie interrupted.

    We all agreed to go and hang out. On the way there, Jean and I were bickering, but hey, we do it basically every day.


    I had my arms and legs crossed with a scowl on my face. I was angry. I was really angry actually. I was really angry for a really stupid reason and it showed how immature I was.

    I take Super Smash Bros seriously, okay?

    "What is it, Eren?" Jean mocked with a stupid smirk on his stupid horse like face. "Are you upset that Captain Falcon beat your pathetic Link? Armin lasted longer than you did, and he's playing as Kirby. Kirby. It says a lot, doesn't it?"

    I glared at Jean who was looking at me from the corner of his eyes since he was still alive in the game. "Shut up," I hissed, "you got lucky! I wasn't focused. If I would have been focused, you would be dead right now."

Chasing Dandelions //Ereri// *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now