Chapter Ten - Past

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Chapter Ten - Past

Senior Year

    My plan was completed after a couple of days. All the information I found out was actually quite interesting and a bit shocking, but I don't know if I'll actually use it against him.

    I'm too nice for my own good.


    Levi and I were in art class again. There wasn't anything different or unusual going on. Levi still didn't have any ideas. He still didn't care. He still didn't want to do any work. He still wanted me to do the project.

    But oh was he so wrong.

    I was not going to do all the work. I was going to make him do some of the work. He has to care about art because if he didn't, he would just skip this class.

    I went over the plan inside my mind.

    Once the bell rings, I'll go up to Mr. Jones's desk and talk to him. If it takes after the bell rings, I'll ask him to write me a pass. If it doesn't, then I'll walk quickly to my next class and hopefully I won't be late. If I am, oh well. I'll ask him about Levi and his grades he's gotten when working by himself. There's something Levi is hiding and I'm determined to find out what it is.

    Everyone was talking with their partner, some of them drawing, painting, some even asked to go outside and take pictures.

    But Levi and I?


    There was just silence between us.

    This time though, I didn't even try to make a conversation with him. Talking with him didn't matter at this point right now. There were more important things I had to take care of.

    Of course he didn't break it either. Why would he? Technically we aren't friends. I don't think we even qualify as acquaintances. He's just some person I know nothing about that I have to work with for a project.

    That's all it really is.

    And I'm sure that's all it'll ever be.

    I'm almost positive that we won't become friends unless he tries to make an effort, and judging by the way he acts, he probably won't. Perhaps we do have things in common, but a) he won't tell be if I asked and b) he wouldn't tell me even if I didn't ask.

    He doesn't give any fucks whatsoever.

    It's kind of impressive really.

    But I'm sure some part of him cares too much about certain things. Everyone is like that. No matter how tough one person seems, they're still sensitive and care about someone or something they love.

    I started at clock. The bell rang in two minutes and I was feeling nervous. I don't want anyone to think I'm creepy for asking all these things about Levi, but I need to know.

    He's hiding something and I need to know what it is.

    A couple minutes before the bell rang, the teacher told the people who got anything out to put it back up. Once it did ring, I quickly stood up out of my chair and made my way to him.

    "Mr. Jones, can I stay and talk to you for a minute?" I asked.

    He nodded. "What do you need, Eren?"

    I sighed. I waited till Levi walked out the door and into the hall until I continued. "What grades has Levi gotten while working by himself?"

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