Chapter 12: Watching

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Y/n Pov:

So turns out Leorio almost had his badge stolen but thanks to Kurapika he came to help Leorio out.

How stupid can one be to fall for another ones trick?

Oh well... I have to badges for now, mine, and the dudes. I would need to get my targets or just from another rando.

As I was walking in this forest looking thing, it was all purple it looked nice but gave off an eerie vibe. Oddly comforting you know, it's was somewhere I was able to rest peacefully.


"Hmm, ah my back hurts."

"Must've been asleep for a while."

You walk off to at least try and get some badges. I don't remember if I need one more badge or two.

How much points was each badge? Hmm, mine was 3 points, no! Oh forget it I'll just get two more.

You hunt down more people, there's a lot of trees here. You find yourself lost, but you see the two brothers. Where's the other brother?

I'll just get the badges if them. You carefully watch them from above, thinking how to get the badges before making a move.

"I'll just get ahead of them."

Oh is that Killua?

Should I go down? Oh the third brother! Wait the others already caught up?

Oh that's funny his other brothers are making fun of him, for taking Killua's badge.

The third brother finally "man's" up to Killua.

"Just give me your badge. Do as I say, and I won't hurt you. Aww come on don't say I didn't warn you."

"Your an idiot°"

He then kicks Killua in the gut.

Killua then gets up like if nothing happened.

The brothers surround him, getting intimidated by him.

He jumps and disappears, he come back down and kicks the back of one of the other brothers.

Woah I didn't know his fingers can do that, they look so hmm I don't know but wow.

"Don't move okay? My nails cut better than knives°."

"Oh I got the wrong badge again, hm I sure I'm bad a guessing. Hey are you #199? Since you brother over here is #197?"

"Uh yeah"

"Give it"

The other obediently throwns his badge at Killua.



(AN: Damn at this point I just be lying to y'all saying "oh i think I'll update this week" like no bitch you won't stop lying to them. Anyways I wonder when I'll update again, and I'm think of making another fic i don't but yeah! I love y'all! <3)

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