Chapter 2: The Exam Site

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"What do you want Hisoka?" you say as Hisoka walks towards you

"Chrollo told me to take care of you at the hunter exam-" " oh so dad called you" you groan at the thought of Hisoka being with you all the time.

You guys are walking towards where the hunter exam is going to be held this year. You see a big, beautiful, building.

"Hisoka is this were it's going to be held?" You point at the building. "No silly over here-" he grabs you by the shoulders and gently turns you around.

"That old thing" "yes little one-" "heyy! I'm not little alright!" "Sure whatever you say fruit-" you ignored he little comment at the end.

"Fruit? Eww"

You walk in and their is a cool and asks what we want Hisoka asks "is the back room open?-" The cook they says "what would you like"

"The steak combo that opens your eyes to light-" "for two-" the cooks the cook looks at us dead in the eyes and asks us how we want it.

I was very confused the Hisoka spoke "grilled over a low flame, until cooked-"

"What did cooking have to do with the exam?!"

The cooks then tells us to go to the backroom. I then follow Hisoka towards the backroom.

I was confused why we had to wait here and how we were going to get to the exam.

"This room is and elevator y/n-" "huh what do you mean?" "Yes this will take us to the exam site-"

We hear and ding and the elevator doors open. We walk out into a sewer looking tunnel thing. There are a lot of people waiting here.

Wow I didn't expect for there to do be this much people wanting to be hunters.

I was wondering what we do now when this jelly thing came up to us.

"Hello. Please take a number." the booger, green, looking jelly thing said.

Hisoka got number 44 and I got number 45. We walked towards a place were people weren't around because like...
people suck you know.

We waited for like an hour while we were waiting the dude named Tonpa I think he offererd me a drink but I declined because there was something weird about him.

Hisoka told me to decline anything from him because he likes to poison the drink and sabotage rookies (new people to the hunter exam)

I was getting bored of waiting. All of a sudden the doors open I turn around and see 3 boys and a girl. Wait a minute oh my it's a boy! Well correction 4 boys one that has blond hair the reaches his shoulder (the boy I though that was a girl) the second one looks like he's 20 with a suit and a briefcase and two boys that seem to be my age one with silver, white hair and the other with greenish, black hair.

I turn around and see Hisoka gone...

"Where is he? Damn he left me with all this people... He has to be somewhere here, but where?"

I look around the room and see Tonpa offering the boys the juice... But where is Hisoka.

I look around and see him he walking and I see a guy bump into him, ignoring Hisoka. Last time I saw someone do that to him they're arms disappeared.

As I was talking to myself, the guys arms stared disappearing as he screamed.

"Oh, how peculiar. His arms seem to have become flower petals. Now you see them now you don't. Do take care. When you bump into someone, you really should apologize.-"

I tried holding in my laugh but I couldn't. I started laughing and everyone turned around and looked at me very wierdly.

"What?!" I asked them. "Oh y/n last time I did this you laughed for like and hour.-" "Ok I'll try and stop laughing sorry"

We heard some ringing and then it stopped a big door started opening everyone turned around and saw a man.

"I apologize for the wait. The entry period for hunters had ended." He said and continued to talk.

"The hunter exam will begin now!"

"Oh finally we're starting" I thought

I walked over to Hisoka so I can stay near him because he's the only person I know and that my father trust.

"A final cation. If you are short on luck of ability you could very well end up seriously injured or dead"

"So that's why dad wanted me to go with Hisoka"

"Those who accept the risks, please follow me."

And so the hunter exam started...

(A/N: ok luvs this is the second part I feel like this sis bad.but oh well I WILL get better at writing so yea! Hope y'all like it! ♡)

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