Chapter 7: Trick Tower

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Authors Pov:

They arrive on top of trick tower the and everyone is confused as to what is going on.

Y/N Pov:

"Hey hisoka where are we?"

"I'm not sure little one we will just wait for someone to explain to us-"

"alright I guess"

"Everyone, the exam's Third Phase will begin here, at the top of Trick Tower" the little green bean stated. (i forgot his name :P)

"I wonder what trick tower is? Is it filled with tricks or what?"

"To pass this phase, you have to reach the tower's base alive. Also the lime is seventy-two hours."

"With that, we will now begin the Third Phase."

"Gon, Killua, we should probably check how tall the tower is by looking down"

"Yes your right!~"


"Are we supposed to climb down?•"

"I don't think someone would be dumb enough to climb down Leorio..."

"Yeah y/n is right that would basically be suicide°"

''I like when he says my name"

"Oi y/n why are you blushing?°"

"oh no reason" you laughed it off while being embarrassed

"Maybe for a normal person..." a man butts in our conversation

"But a top-class rope climber like me, can handle this with no problem"

"pft show off much" just hoping he falls

"Wow, he's going down pretty fast.~"

"Looks like I'll be the first one to pass this phase"

"I don't this so man, look what coming your way!" you laugh as he gets carried away

"well guess we can't climb down, or not we'll end up like him"

"There's fewer people than before, and where's Hisoka?"

As your walking around to find him you happen to fall into a hidden door.


You feel something or someone catch you midair.

"I got you my little one-"

"Oh hi! How did you get here?"

"Same way as you, I just need one more person so I can go along-"

"Luckily it happened to be you-"

"Oh ok so what do we do now?"

"Put this bracelet on we will have to go through little obstacles and escape before time runs out-"

"oh ok"

Time Skip because I be mad lazy :)

We arrive at the last thing to do before we have officially found the exit to here. This guy happens to know Hisoka and want to kill him.

I just sit back and observe them fighting until something fun happens.

"Hisoka will you hurry and kill him so we can leave already!"

The guy throws his blades and I watch as Hisoka moves so gracefully and if I were to do it I would break me neck dude!

Anyways, the guys lunges towards Hisoka trying to get a clean hit. One happens to cut him in his waist and another one in his shoulder.

I guess the guy is just avoiding me completely just because I'm a "kid" like damn! but less work for me I guess.

"It would indeed be difficult to dodge your attacks-"

oh he caught the blades nice!

"Go Hisoka!"

oh shit I said it out loud.


He ignores me and bam the guy drops dead.

"Finally! Let's go."

"Don't be so impatient my little ace-"

"oh I have a new nickname?"

"You have plenty, I just don't use them as often-"


"Are you ok though you have cuts?"

"I'm fine don't worry about me.-"


A door opens and it looks like we are the first ones to pass.

"Hisoka, applicant #44, is the first to pass. Y/N, applicant #45, is the second to pass. Total time, six hours and seventeen minutes"

"No fair! Just because you walked in first."

"Oh well-"

"Now we have to wait till the time runs out right?"

"Correct my little fruit-"

"Ok then I'm going to take a nap"

You fall asleep and lean on Hisoka's shoulder for support, he just looks at you and smiles.

Hisoka's Pov:

"Oh my little one, you look adorable when your sleeping, I will make sure no one here ever hurts you.-"

Time Skip

Y/N Pov:

I wake up and see some applicants have passed, I look around and see no Gon or Killua. I also happen to hear a guy complaining on how a little girl like me would beat him.

"Hey Hisoka how much time is left?"

"It's about to be over why?-"

"Oh no certain reason"

"Are they not going to make it? Did someone happen? Did they die?"

Just then one of the doors open and I see Killua, Gon and Kurapika.

"Kurapika, applicant #404, is the twentieth to pass. Killua, applicant #99, is the twenty-first to pass. Gon, applicant #405, is the twenty-second to pass."

"Total time, seventy-one hours and fifty-nine minutes. Thirty seconds remain!"

"oh so they did make it, but where is Leorio I thought he was with them?"

"Leorio, applicant #403 is the twenty-third to pass"

Time skip to when there on the boat, and have their target numbers already.

"Hisoka who did you get?"

"I'm not telling-"

"Hmph fine, I will tell you who I got because I'm nice, I got Kurapika."

"That's interesting, isn't Gon and Killua friends with that person?-"

"Yeah, but I have to take his badge on order for me to proceed"

"Your right, do what you need to do. Just be careful."

"Yup I will don't worry!"


(A/N: sorry I haven't been updated the story I've been tired and trying to focus on myself, but info write here and then to update it so enjoy! <3 🍄)

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