Chapter Three | Seventeen.

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And just when I she was comin' to my door.
She sweet and me to the floor,
she said I'm only seventeen but I'll show you love like you've never seen
She's only seventeen, says she's too young, but she's old enough for me.

February 22nd 1985

"Hey kid, get up!" I hear someone yell from next door while banging on my hotel room wall. I open my eyes unwillingly and groan as a sudden headache comes on, fucking great. What the hell happened last night... when did I go to bed? I glance around the room to see all my clothes spread across the floor and a broken champagne bottle that had obviously been smashed against the wall. The door to my room opens and Doc waltz in, a very unamused expression on his face already. I was just going to wait for him to speak because I definitely didn't want to yelled at, he was kinda scary when he was angry.

"Good, you woke up" He nods slowly, taking a look around the room sternly just like a disapproving mother. "Any recollection of what you did last night Eve?" Was this a trick question? I shrug my shoulders hesitantly, not knowing what to say.

"No...?" I trail uneasily only for him to shake his head scoffing. Man if the boys got this all the time after every long night of drinking, Doc has to be on his last fucking straw with all of them.

"Where do I start? Those idiots convinced you to jump off the banister down to the next floor, you jumped on the back of the security guard who was trying to restrain Tommy, you kicked the whole floors ready made breakfast trays... oh and how could I forget? You ran about the lobby in your underwear and took a god damn piss in the middle of the floor!" He exclaims. I couldn't help but bring my hand to my mouth and try to stifle in a laugh that was threatening to come out. He was not impressed at all.

"It's not funny! Now we're being charged with vandalism because you couldn't just go to the god damn bathroom! Take a shower, get dressed and meet down at the tour bus but remember I am not happy!" He yells, storming out of the room quickly. A few seconds after he slams the door, it opens again as Nikki and Tommy fall in, pissing themselves with laughter. I begin to laugh along with them, covering my face in embarrassment as they both jump on my bed and chill beside me. I hold the duvet against my chest to hide my breasts automatically.

"You were fucking hilarious last night dude!" Tommy exclaims, giving me a high five.

 "I don't even remember leaving the strip club, when the hell did we get back?" I question curiously, taking the bottle of Advil Nikki was waving around.

"According to Doc we got back at five in the morning and didn't go to sleep till eight. Man you should have heard him yelling at us an hour ago, I think I've gone deaf in one ear" Nikki laughs, rubbing his face tiredly. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who got shat on this morning, or afternoon. Whatever it fucking was.

"You should probably be ready in the next half an hour or Doc will be even more pissed than he is right now" Tommy mentions as I nod tiredly, I was about to get out of bed but then realized if I did I would be completely naked for both of them to see. 

"Erm... dudes, I need to get ready..." I trail only for Tommy to smirk and sit up, trying to peek over. I kick him away and roll my eyes. They both remain seated with smug looks on their face which told me they weren't leaving anytime soon. I clutch the fabric to my chest and wrap it around me with a scoff before walking over to the bathroom cautiously.

"You know I could just pull that off in one quick movement?" Tommy chuckles.

"Do that and I'll rip your balls off drummer" I threaten as I walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind me quickly, making sure to lock the door behind me.


Tommy and Nikki ended up waiting for me to get ready and we were all now walking down to the tour bus together. Man I was starving, all I wanted right now was a big greasy breakfast burrito and a chocolate shake. I know with the events that took place earlier on this morning, Doc will not be feeling kind enough to stop at Wendy's, I wasn't going to even press my luck with that one.
 We get onto the tour bus to be greeted by Mick who was playing guitar and Vince who was laying on the couch with a cold flannel on his head, what a diva. I chuckle while walking over and lifting his legs, taking a seat and placing his legs back down on my lap.

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