Chapter Eleven | Inside Out.

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Fire up and let me know
Come on, honey, let it go.

Nikki and I are walking down to the tour bus, our sunglasses on and our clothes extra shaggy and comfortable. Let's just say we needed a two liter coffee and a big greasy burger with extra cheese. 

"There better be jack daniels on this bus" Nikki mumbles grumpily.

"Dude we drank the Daniels before the show, Tommy will probably have that gin he tried to force on the rest of us" 

"It's a fruit gin, there's no fucking way I'm drinking that"

"Good morning sleeping beauties" Tommy calls over from the tour bus door, a big excited grin on his face. I love him but I can't deal with his screaming and childish antics today, I think his terror twin on the other hand was ready to kill him. 

"Fuck you asshole" Is all he replies as we edge closer.

"Damn what's got your dick in a twist.. oh.. wait" Tommy smirks, eyeing me and then Nikki very slowly. Now I was ready to kill him. 

"Tommy shut it and get on the bus" Nikki shoves his shoulder, pushing him up the very few steps.

"Alright, alright I'm.. oh shit" Is all we hear Tommy utter as he opens the door to the tour bus. Nikki rolls his eyes and moves past him, just wanting to sleep in his bunk and stops abruptly. 

"Hey baby!!!"


I can't get over that Nikki's in a serious relationship. I mean Nikki out of all people... usually it's Vince and it's serious for like three weeks. I think Tommy was thinking the same thing, I could see how annoyed he got whenever Demi was around, in all fairness she was taking his terror twin away from him. The loved up couple were making out on the couch and Tommy and I were trying to throw and catch painkillers in each others mouths, to ease the pain and have fun at the same time, it was entertaining for the first five minutes. 

"Yo Andy, are we almost there?" Vince groans from the opposite couch. 

"Not for another hour dude!" Andy calls back which only has Vince mumbling many complaints. Mick had offered to make us a hangover cocktail and was currently in the middle of mixing three different kinds of vodka into four large glasses. This was either gonna make or break us. 


So...I was drunk again. Let's ignore all that shit I said about never drinking again, we all knew that mindset wasn't going to last long. We had finally arrived, I had no clue where we were but the boys did so that's all that mattered. Tommy carries me out of the bus on his back as we drunkenly sing for the paparazzi that had lined up outside of the bus as we pulled in. I was gonna look like one clingy groupie. 

Tommy continues to carry me inside where the boys are immediately rushed to the stage for soundcheck and a run through of the song order, leaving me with Demi herself. Great. 

Doc guides us to the stands so we could watch the boys rehearse and I immediately flush with so much guilt as she sits down next to me. I didn't like the girl but in no way would I say she was an awful person. I was gonna be nice, I was gonna push the drama aside and try to civil for the day. I didn't want her to feel out of place because I for one knows how that feels. Fuck it, I was just gonna come out with it.

"Look Demi.. I know we've had a kinda rocky start but I do really wanna be genuine with you. You do seem like a nice girl and I feel like things rocked up on the wrong foot so I'm sorry for being quite a bitch and making you feel uncomfortable"

She glances at me in surprise, obviously not expecting me to actually apologize face to face.

"Well I certainly didn't expect that from you Eve... but thanks, that does mean a lot. I'm sorry things were a tiny bit awkward in the beginning too. Start over?" She questions with a big fake smile on her face as she sticks her hand out in truce, I reach my hand forward and shake hers, a smile on my face to match hers. I could feel Nikki watching us cautiously from the stage in fear I was going to snake him out or a fight was gonna break. I sure hope no fucking fight breaks out because I know if I start causing trouble constantly, I'm going to be forced on the next flight home and that was the last thing I wanted. 

"So... how do you know the band?" She asks me curiously, trying to make conversation while placing her small handbag down by her feet as she crosses her legs. Really? She wanted some life stories now? 

"Well my ex was good friends with them at one point and he took me out one night with them and I guess we got on really well. Well enough for them to pick me instead of him when it all came to an end" I chuckle dryly, remembering yesterdays rather dramatic events. 

"Is there a reason he's your ex or did you just take his friends from him because you wanted to fuck them?" She questions interrogatingly, her eyes darkening in a threatening way. This fucking bitch. Be nice Eve, be nice... I take back the shit I said about her maybe being a nice person. I think she may be slightly crazy.

"Yeah he's a cheater and a lying scumbag" I reply bluntly, folding my arms and turning to face the stage. Of course I was going to made out as the bad guy, my dad was the fucking same.

"Have you ever slept with any of them?" She pushes on as if she was trying to get an answer she had been suspecting. Who did this girl think she was? Well then again... she is a teenager. I had to fucking laugh. She was a fucking kid, why the hell was she asking me such 'vulger' questions?

"Look kid aren't you a bit young to be talking like that?" I taunt her with a small smirk, not wanting to take any of her crap. "and I also don't see how it's any of your business"

"I'm seventeen" She bitchily replies, flipping her hair over shoulder.

"Nikki's twenty six honey, maybe you should try finding someone your own age before you get hurt and can't keep up with his rock star lifestyle." I wink before standing up and grabbing my water bottle.

"Maybe you should find your own friends instead of stealing your ex boyfriends" She stands up and gets in the way of me trying to leave. "You do realize it was probably pity they felt for you." Walk away Eve, walk the fuck away. I glare at her deeply and then push past her angrily only to feel my hair being grabbed, finding myself being pulled backwards. This fucking bitch.

"Oh shit!" I hear Tommy's voice through the mic. I couldn't control myself any longer, the minute I feel her grab my hair, I swing around in a blind rage and punch her square in the face, knocking her backwards just in time to be grabbed by a big ass security guard.

"What the hell!?" Doc exclaims as him and the boys jump down from the stage and run over in complete shock. The guard pulls me further backwards and throws me over to Tommy who holds me up from falling on my ass, I thank him quietly and spin around to see Demi had blood trickling down from her nose while on the ground.

"What the fuck did you do that for?!" Nikki yells at me as he drops to his knees beside his girlfriend, helping her try to stop the bleeding.

"Dude did you not see your girlfriend grab her by her hair and drag her back?!" Tommy exclaims in complete shock at his terror twin.

"She fucking punched her Tommy! Look, she's fucking bleeding!"

"Right stop it!!" Doc yells, getting everyone's attention. Nikki helps Demi stand up and wraps her against his chest protectively as his glare burns a hole through my face. Was he for real? I had to have seen this coming, why couldn't I have just pulled away from her grip and walked the fuck away? Ugh! I was so fucking stupid!

"Eve, get your ass back to the tour bus now! Nikki take your girl to the bathroom to get that cleared up. I want Motley Crue back on stage in five minutes for soundcheck with no interruptions!" He angrily rants before storming off in a huff. 

"Gladly!" I shout after him childishly as I follow his actions and angrily storm off towards the tour bus to sulk and make my own fucking deathly cocktails. 

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