Chapter Seventeen: Is This Love?

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I should have known better than to let you go alone
It's times like these I can't make it on my own
Wasted days, and sleepless nights
And I can't wait to see you again
I find I spend my time waiting on your call
How can I tell you, babe, my back's against the wall
I need you by my side to tell me it's alright
'Cause I don't think I can take anymore
Is this love that I'm feeling?
Is this the love that I've been searching for?
Is this love or am I dreaming?
This must be love 'cause it's really got a hold on me
A hold on me
I can't stop the feeling I've been this way before
But, with you I've found the key to open any door
I can feel my love for you growing stronger day by day
And I can't wait too see you again
So I can hold you in my arms

Mick's P.O.V

The door to our dressing room slams open and standing there is Eve... with a pretty fuckin' angry look on her face. I did not want to be these fuckers right now.... let me tell you that. 

She slams the door behind her and her hands immediately go onto her hips like mothers would do when kids were being fuckin' brats. 

"What the fuck was that? Don't you assholes knock?!" She exclaims. I hide further into my newspaper, not risking eye contact in case she got the wrong idea. 

"We are so sorry Eve. We didn't know it was you, if we had known we wouldn't h.."

"Yeah... we still would have" Nikki smirks, sitting back in his chair while folding his arms. Eve stares him dead in the eye, I couldn't describe the look she was giving him... let's just say with those eyes... Nik should be on fire, burning slowly.

"Why? I'm not like you freaks. I like to have sex with one person and one person only, I don't want an audience, I don't want anyone joining in" She responds. I had to give it to the kid... she finally had the balls to put her foot down with these fuckers. 

"Look...I really like Ritchie and I don't want to fuck things up, okay? Please just respect a bit of privacy now and again" 

"Sambora?" Nikki snorts. 

"Nikki man..." I warn him. 

"Yeah... Sambora" She spits, staring at Nikki once again. "What's your problem.. Feranna"

"Shit" Vince mumbles, glancing at Tommy and I. Fuck this, I didn't want to be a part of this bitchfest. 

Nikki stands up angrily, ready to storm over to her but before he can Vince stands up and shoves him back down into his seat.

"Why are you being such a dick? All trip you've been nothing but a pain in my ass" 

"Then why are you still here? Fuck man... get the hint and fuck off back home" He spits at her.

"Hey! What the fuck is wrong with you Sixx?!" Tommy stands up angrily. 

"She's what's fucking wrong with me! All she does is bitch and whine about everything, I'm fuckin' sick of it... sick of hearing her whiney little fuckin' voice" He stands up to match Tommy's energy. Tommy doesn't hesitate... his fist slams into our bassists face which then causes chaos. Nikki stumbles back holding his face with a smirk, wiping his nose only for blood to show up on his hands. 

Before I knew it... the biggest fight I had ever seen escalated between our own fucking band... Man, I hated these fuckers sometimes.

Vince for some reason jumped in to help Tommy beat the shit out of Nikki.

"Kid..." I trail, about to walk over to see how she's doing but before I can, she's outta that door.

Well shit.

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