Chapter Twelve | Looks That Kill.

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Now listen up
She's razor sharp
If she don't get her way
She'll slice you apart.

I had been sitting on the tour bus in complete boredom for the last hour and a half but man was I pissed as hell. I was pissed, one because of Doc treating me like a god damn child and giving me a 'time out', second because Nikki was putting his dick before anything and taking that prissy piece of shits side over mine when she clearly started whatever the hell that was back there. I mean who the hell got to tell me what the fuck to do? Nobody, that's the fucking answer. Fuck Doc and fuck that stupid ass band. I get up from my spot on the sofa and head for the door, eagerly pushing it open and rushing out in hope I ain't seen but of course that doesn't go quite my way.

"And where the hell do you think you're going?" I hear a strict ass voice from behind me question. Fuck... busted. I turn around with a sheepish look on my face to see Doc standing there like a disappointed father with his hands on his hips. I just wanted a drink down the local bar...

"To the bar?" I accidentally ask both him and myself, he only shakes his head in rejection and points at the bus.

"Get your ass back on that bus or consider yourself on an early flight home" He threatens which immediately shuts me up. Fair play old man, fair play. 

"You're not taking her side too are you?" I sigh loudly, leaning back against the bus.

"No I'm not. I saw what happened kid but I'm still pissed at the fact you couldn't just walk away"

"She pulled me back by my hair! What was I supposed to do?!" 

"I understand kid but that 'fight' back there could have been avoided. Nikki is pissed so I hope you know what you're in for when they get back onto the bus" He warns. Fucking hell, that's just what I needed.

"Whatever" I mumble agitatedly as I fold my arms and walk back onto the bus with Doc joining me.


Tommy walks onto the bus a concerned look on his face as I glance up from one of Micks spare guitars that I had been playing. 

"You okay bug?" He questions me curiously, sympathy all over his face.

"Yeah I'm good T-Bone" I smile reassuringly just as the tour bus door opens once again and Nikki storms in angrily, his eyes darkened and his eyebrows furrowed. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. Tommy immediately takes a seat beside me protectively, awaiting whatever shit Sixx was about to come out with.

"You gonna tell me why you punched my fucking girlfriend?"

"No actually, I'm not" I fold my arms once again stubbornly, turning away from the asshole in front of me. Tommy was watching us both awkwardly but remained seated beside me in case he had to jump in at any point. 

"Real mature. I think you owe my fucking girlfriend an apology" He continues to bitch on at me.

"Get fucked Sixx." I spit at him, pure hatred in my voice. I hated shutting him off like I was but he just made me so damn angry, I couldn't help myself. I stand up and attempt to walk away from the situation, heading for the bunks when Nikki's hand grabs my wrist and yanks me back aggressively towards him, giving me flashbacks from earlier on in the morning, except these were very different circumstances. 

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" I shout angrily just as Tommy jumps up and pushes him away from me. I wasn't afraid of this son of a bitch and let me tell you, if he thought I was he had another thing coming. 

"Back off Nikki" Tommy lectures in a warning voice as Nikki scoffs at him. 

"If it was your fucking girlfriend, you would be doing the same damn thing Lee" He turns back over to me and glares. 

"The same girlfriend you cheated on last night huh? What a lucky girl for having such a protective, loyal man" I begin to taunt him which angered the hell out of him.

"She has a black fucking eye Eve" He spits at me, edging closer. I would be lying if I said I didn't find him hot when he was all worked up and angry...oh fucking hell, here I go again.

"Yeah? Well tell her if she ever touches me again like that, she'll have a broken fucking nose to go with that damn eye" I threaten.

"Right! I've had enough!" Doc exclaims, throwing down his paper and pushing himself up from the sofa opposite us. He moves forward and stands in between the two sides arguing sides.

"Eve, you're sleeping on the crew bus and Nikki you will calm the fuck down and stay away from her" He warns.

"Fuck no Doc, she's not sleeping on the crew bus" Tommy shakes his head profusely, joining in. "Joey will try crawling into her bunk at night, I'm not letting you do that"

"We don't have a choice Tommy if these two are gonna be at each others throats all the damn time" He sighs defeatedly.

"Well if you move her, I'm going with her" Tommy shrugs.

"Tommy it's fin..."

"No its not fucking fine. I'm sorry Doc but I'm not letting her sleep on that bus filled with creepy virgin roadies" Tommy cuts me off.

"Fine, have it your way but one more peep out of the lot of you and the consequences will be drastic" Our elder warns, pointing at each of us individually before storming off of the bus in frustration. Nikki shakes his head over at me intimidatingly, we could never be happy with each others company. Something always has to go fucking wrong and usually the blames pointed at me. Maybe this damn tour was a bad idea after all, I could have just crashed at a buds but no I had to get a plane across America and spend it with these drug addicted bonehead rock stars.

"Just stay out of my way for a while Brooks" Is all he mumbles before following their manager out of the bus, probably to go find his stupid fucking girlfriend and suck on her ass a little bit more. As soon as the door shuts behind him, I let out a frustrated yell and slam my fist against the wall angrily. Tommy grabs ahold of my arm to stop me from hitting it again and pulls me into a nice warm, comforting hug.

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