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Weeks had gone by. I bounced between leading the Snatchers on their adventures and helping my mother with various tasks. It was nice being able to spend time with my mother, but that time was spent speaking highly about the Dark Lord and attacking people who use the Taboo on the Dark Lord's name. When anyone mentions the word 'Voldemort', their location is traceable.

I spent the last several days with the Snatchers searching through the woods, to no avail. There was very little movement and very little people hiding out here. It was a cold afternoon, overcast with thick greying clouds. A thin layer of snow rested beneath our feet, every step leaving a mark as we travelled. The Snatchers wore thick leather jackets and lit fires at night to keep themselves warm. We sat around a fire, warming ourselves up before heading out once again. All of a sudden, I felt my forearm sting slightly and a name echo throughout my ears, "Voldemort." I snapped my head up and disapparated.

I apparated into a small clearing where three men sat along with two goblins. My eyes widened. Ted Tonks was among the group along with Dean Thomas, Dirk Cresswell, Griphook and Gornuk. "Well, well, well." I smirked twirling my wand in my hands, making eye contact with Ted. "Look what the cat dragged in."

Ted's eyes widened, "P-P-Pandora?" Escaped his quivering lips.

"My name isn't Pandora!" I screamed in his face.

"Wh-What are you doing?" He asked, getting to his feet along with the others. They held their hands up in defense just as the group of Snatchers had arrived.

In that instant, Dean Thomas and Griphook took flight through the trees. One of my fellow men went to run, "Leave them!" I called, "I have this one." I smirked looking at my uncle in the face. "He's mine." I said through gritted teeth.

Three of the men grabbed Dirk and Gornuk between them and hit them with the Killing Curse. Their bodies falling to the ground with a thud. Ted stood backwards, twigs breaking beneath his feet. "Please, don't do this."

I turned to the Snatchers, "Go. This one is mine." They obeyed my order and quickly scrambled off. I held my wand up to Ted's chest. "You ruined my life, Ted." I said to him, "You made me live a lie. You made me lie about my name, my family, where I came from."

"We did it for your own good." He said, panic filling his tone.

"No! You did it for your own good!" I screamed. "You kidnapped me, Ted. You took me away from my family. My true family. You didn't have to take me that night. You really didn't and I don't know what possessed you to do that."

"To save you." He said in a near whisper, "We wanted to save you from this kind of life."

"And look where it got me. I'm not standing here begging for my life." I paused for a moment, "I have learned to forgive, Ted. I really have, but somehow, I just can't forgive you. And that's what makes this bitter sweet for me."

"Plea -"

"- Avada Kedavra." I hissed. Ted's body fell to the ground. Some part of my heart sank, but I tried to ignore it. He seemed to be wearing clothes that had gone through a lot of battles with patches missing and threads hanging out of his jumper. His eyes looked straight ahead, looking at the gloomy sky. I couldn't imagine Tonks and Andromeda when they hear the news, but no one will know that it was me, who took his life. I took one last look at Ted and left the clearing.

I eventually met back up with the Snatchers, "Who was that, darlin'?" Scabior asked the second of my return.

I shot him a look, "No one who should be concerned about." I retorted.

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