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It was day of the third task. The sun was shining, everyone seemed in high spirits and Summer break was just around the corner. With Terence and Jaz, officially becoming a couple, that left me to spend more time with Fred and George which I was more than happy to do. I wore baggy jeans and a large oversized jumper. I met up with Fred and George in the Transfiguration courtyard. I greeted Fred with a kiss. "Woah." He smiled, looking at me, "You're glowing."

I blushed, "Stop it, you." I giggled. I sat down on one of the stone benches and placed my hands on my stomach which sat like a quaffle under my jumper. "Look." I said reaching out and grabbing one of Fred and George's hands and placed them on my stomach. "Can you feel that?"

"He's kicking." Fred smiled.

" - Or she." George retorted. "I personally think that George would suit both a boy and a girl -"

"- We are not calling them George." Fred chuckled. The pair removed their hands and sat down on the grass in front of me, "Why don't you call your son Fred then."

"Why on Earth would I do that?" George rolled his eyes.

Fred nudged George's shoulder, "Because I'm your favorite brother. That's why."

Hours had passed and the sun had began to set. We made our way to the Quidditch Pitch; where the third task was being held. Students carried their house or school colors in support for their champions. The stands were built high up into the air, trying to fit as many students as possible to see the final task. A large bushed maze sat before us. "This looks wicked." George smiled as we climbed the stands, finding a spot behind Ron and Hermione, who sat with their classmates. The school band played a cheery number and the large groups of students piling in, cheered for their preferred champion; either Cedric or Potter.

Yellow banners filled the crowd in support for Cedric and several Gryffindor posters, scarfs and flags were being waved high for everyone to see also. All of a sudden, a man ran out from the stand, I recognized him to be Cedric's father from the Quidditch World Cup last year. Cedric followed him with a smile, waving to his supporters. I looked around and noticed Draco sitting with Crabbe and Goyle showing their support for Krum which made me chuckle. Krum and Karkaroff then exited from the stand. Krum raising his arms in the air with loud cheers from the Durmstrang students. Fleur and Madame Maxine emerged, followed closely by Potter and Dumbledore. Dumbledore stood on the stand provided in front of one of the many entrances to the maze. "Silence!" His voice bellowed as he held his wand to his neck. The band quickly cut playing and everyone stopped cheering. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position." I looked around and spotted Moody standing at the foot of the stand, where all of the Professor's were sitting. His eyes met mine and he smirked to me, tapping his nose twice. I smiled and shifted my seating, trying not to give anything away. "Now, as Mr Diggory -" The Hufflepuff's roared and Mr Diggory raised his sons hand in the air with pride, " - And Mr Potter -" The Gryffindor's, including Fred and George, provided a similar reaction to that of the Cedric supporters, " - Are tied for first position, they will be first to enter the maze, followed by Mr Krum and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup, will be the winner." I watched as Moody made his way over to the entrance of the maze, patting Krum on the back as he did so. He met Potter by one of the entrances and began speaking to him, probably giving him clues to help him get to the cup quicker. "I have instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand. Contestants -" He called, looking around at all of the champions, "- Gather quickly."

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