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Over the next several weeks, there was great buzz around the castle with the Triwizard Tournament. Journalists were roaming the hallways just to get a glimpse at the champions; preferably Potter. With the first task brewing, it got a lot of people talking. I sat in the common room with Jaz, Terence and Adrian. With Quidditch being cancelled for the year, Terence and Adrian have found it hard to find things to do. Now they usually just sit with Jaz and I or go for random walks around the castle. "Pandora." I heard a call from the other side of the common room. I snapped my head up to see Draco approaching me with Crabbe. He waved a crumpled up envelope in his hand, "It's from my father." Draco said, handing the envelope to me and quickly leaving.

I looked at the creased enveloped addressed to both Draco and I. "If you'll excuse me." I said to the group before getting to my feet and leaving to go to the dormitory. I sat on my bed and opened the envelope. "Dear Pandora and Draco. I am writing to check in on how this year is treating you. I suspect that oaf is still up to no good, especially allowing Potter to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. I do not believe that boy will last five minutes in that tournament. Anyhow, I do hope to speak with you, Pandora, and do wish that you come to spend the Christmas with us at home as there are numerous of things to be discussed. Of course, that is if the Yule Ball is not on your priority list. Otherwise, you can always write to us. Write soon, Lucius."

I folded the envelope and stuck it in my trunk. I had no idea what any of that letter was about and I had never heard anything about a Yule Ball. I tried to ignore it and re-join the group in the common room who were discussing Potions homework. "Hey guys," I heard a voice from above us. I looked up to see a fifth year Slytherin who I had known to be called Damien. He was stocky, fair haired and quite handsome, "Check these out." He said holding out his robes to show off a rather large badge he was wearing.

It was green and read 'Potter Stinks' and then soon changed to 'Support Cedric Diggory'. "They're so cool." Jaz's eyes lit up looking at the changing graphics on the badge.

"Here," Damien smiled handing us four badges, "Everyone has one."

We thanked Damien who quickly moved onto the next group who were sitting around the common room. We attached the badges to our robes. Adrian giggled, "I could get used to these."

After a few moments of going through homework, I decided to leave the group and go for a walk. I preferred going on walks by myself as a way to clear my head without any other third parties intervening. Nearly every Hufflepuff and Slytherin sported the 'Potter Stinks' badge which made me quite happy for some reason. I soon found myself walking around the Transfiguration courtyard and noticed Draco sitting up in a tree. "Can I ask why you are sitting up there?" I giggled looking up at him as Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy remained on the ground.

Draco shrugged, "So I can see all of the lovely hate for Potter." He smirked also. "Oh, look."

I turned around to see Potter talking to Ron a few feet away from us. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Ron didn't look too happy. Ron shoved by Potter with Seamus, leaving Potter by himself. "Why so tense Potter?" I called.

Potter turned around and looked to us, taking several steps toward us. "My father and us have a bet you see." Draco smiled at the young Gryffindor boy. "We don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament." Draco jumped down from the tree and began approaching Potter, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy following behind. "He disagrees." Draco said putting his hands in his pockets, "He thinks you won't last five."

Laughter erupted throughout the group. "I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." Potter retorted marching toward Draco and shoving him slightly.

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