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Over the course of the Summer, I had spent most of my time writing with Adrian, even meeting up every once and a while. Narcissa says we're dating, but I don't believe her. I greeted Narcissa and Draco in the living room, Narcissa reading through a piece of parchment, "Your letter came." She smiled up to me, handing me my brown envelope.

I looked down at the name, "Pandora Tonks," I said aloud, "If only it was that simple." I flipped the envelope over and tore open the letter seeing the books I would be needing this year at Hogwarts. I looked through the list, sighing, "Ted and Andromeda used to pay for my books -"

Narcissa got to her feet, "No need to worry, darling," She placed her hands on my shoulders, "We have it sorted."

I looked up to her with a smile, "Thank you." She returned the smile before going into the kitchen in search for Dobby - The Malfoy's house elf. He's been so kind to me ever since I moved in and has helped me adjust a lot which I'm thankful for. Lucius and Narcissa don't show their gratitude toward Dobby, which is slightly dis-heartening. Draco looked up to me, "Diagon Alley?" I asked.

Draco smiled at me, "Couldn't of said it better myself. When my father returns, we can go." I sat down beside Draco, reading over my list once more, "Bexley," I turned and faced him, "Why did you change your name?"

I sighed, "I don't think I'm the right person to be telling you this."

Draco tilted his head with confusion, "Why?"

I shook my head, "I'll explain at a later time."

At that moment, Lucius entered the living room, "How are we all?" Draco and I responded with a fair answer before Narcissa returned, explaining our trip to Diagon Alley, "Don't you worry, I'll take them." He smiled. I looked at Lucius as he tucked something into his cloak but I chose to ignore it, "I have to go to Borgin and Burkes anyways. Here." He handed Draco a box that was of a black colour with gold rhinestones around it.

Narcissa agreed on the plan that she would stay at home while Lucius, Draco and I would go to Diagon Alley. We arrived at Diagon Alley swiftly, using the Floo Network. Draco and I wore our Slytherin cloaks. Lucius brought Draco and I down Knockturn Alley toward a shop known as 'Borgin and Burkes'. Ted and Andromeda had never brought me down this way before, so I was excited to explore. Draco skipped ahead first, looking through the dusty shop window. And walked in first, "C'mon." He said to me. I jogged ahead of Lucius and caught up with Draco who walked inside.

The shop was quite dull and dusty with several items laying around, some of which were so strange and creepy. Draco immediately went over to a frightening looking statue before Lucius quickly slammed down his cane on the statue where Draco's hand was and snarled, "Don't touch anything, Draco." Draco gave a look to his father before moving further into the shop.

I looked around the shop in amazement, seeing how different and weird these items were, as dull as they were. We walked over to a dusty desk lying in the middle of the shop, "Ah, Mr Malfoy," An old, dirty looking man said coming over to the desk, "What a pleasure to see you, and young Draco and -" He paused for a moment looking at me, "Who is this young lady?"

Lucius responded, "My niece, Pandora."

"Ah, what a pleasure to meet you," He smiled to me. I returned the smile, "And just in today," The man continued talking to Lucius, "Brand new and reasonably priced -"

"- I'm not buying anything today, Borgin," Lucius responded, "I'm selling." Lucius looked to Draco and called him over to place the box on the desk.

Draco did just that and began looking around the shop, "Look at this." He said in a whisper to me, looking into a glass frame with rather creepy looking things inside.

I looked at the objects protected by the glass, "What are they?"

Draco shrugged, "I don't know but they look cool." I shook my head and giggled slightly, "Is your boyfriend in Diagon Alley today?"

"He's not my boyfriend." I responded shaking my head, Draco began moving around the shop again, taking interest in a box like thing in the middle of the room.

Draco went over, looking at the finer detail of the object, "Whatever you say." He responded.

Draco rested his hand on the box before Lucius intervened and stretched his cane out, "What did I say?" He said, "Come on, we're going."

Draco and I then quickly followed Lucius out of the shop and we were once again in the streets of Knockturn Alley. "Can we go to Flourish and Blotts?" Draco asked as Lucius led us into the streets of the brightly coloured Diagon Alley where students filled the streets with their parents, shopping for their essentials for their return to Hogwarts.

Lucius continued walking, "I need to go to Gringotts, I'll meet you there." He answered.

Draco stopped and turned to me, "I need to go get quills, but I'll meet you there." I smiled to him before the three of us went our separate ways, Lucius heading to Gringotts, Draco going to Flourish and Blotts and I made my way to Amaneunsis Quills to buy new quills with the galleons Narcissa had given me this morning.

After buying several new quills, I made my way to Flourish and Blotts, bumping into Lucius on the way, "What's going on here?" I asked as we approached the shop seeing several wizards, mainly witches, surrounding the shop and filling the inside. Outside the shop was a poster promoting Glideroy Lockhart's new book. I rolled my eyes knowing how obnoxious he is.

I shook it off, before entering the shop with Lucius, noticing Draco near the entrance talking to a group of people, "Oh look Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend." I heard Draco giggle.

I came up behind him, "What happened to playing nice?" I asked coming up behind him, noticing that he was talking to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Percy and little Ginny Weasley.

Lucius stepped forward, pushing Draco out of the way, facing Harry, "Mr Potter," He greeted him, "Lucius Malfoy." He shook Harry's hand.

Fred and George gave me strange look before calling me aside, "What are you doing with Malfoy?" George asked.

I looked between the pair confused and then back over to Lucius who talked to the group, "Draco is my cousin." I said with a slight giggle as I thought they would have known, "Lucius there is my uncle. I moved in with them over Christmas last year."

Fred and George's eyes widened, "What are you doing over here talking to us?" Fred asked, glancing back over to the group where Lucius and Arthur were now talking.

I furrowed my brow, "Because we're friends? I sure hope so anyways."

"You don't understand," Fred began saying, "The Malfoys hate us, our family."

I looked between them confused, "I'm sure it's preference. I don't hate you -"

"Pandora!" I heard Draco call from where he remained standing, Lucius now standing outside, "Let's go."

"I have to go." I sighed to Fred and George, "I'll see you both soon." I quickly left their company, smiling to the rest of the group before leaving, meeting Draco and Lucius outside the shop and we continued our shopping for our essentials.

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