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The first one or two weeks of term were fine, not that much homework, I was understanding Potions and everything was pretty okay. I sat in Great Hall for breakfast with Adrian and Terence while Laura and Madeline sat with Penelope, "You guys should just make up." Terence said, buttering his toast, "At least you won't be separated from the girls."

I shrugged my shoulders, "It doesn't bother me. I wasn't really that close with them anyways. I only really talk to them when you guys were at Quidditch practice." Terence bowed his head, "Oh, sorry Terence. I completely forgot."

"It's fine." He sighed, "So, when's Quidditch practice starting?" Terence asked Adrian.

"Marcus wants to start practice today, to train Draco since he's new." He answered, "He got a note from Snape saying we have the Quidditch pitch today to practice."

All of a sudden, a loud screech could be heard. Everyone noticed this and looked around to see a barn owl fly over the Gryffindor table, "Oh god." I sighed, recognizing the owl to be Errol; the Weasleys owl and just as suspected, the owl flew down in front of Ron and stumbled along the Gryffindor table. Laughter was heard from the Gryffindor table as they watched the owl give Ron a small envelope and quickly fly away.

Out of nowhere, a voice to be recognized as Molly Weasley erupted throughout the hall, "Is that a howler?" Adrian asked, trying to get a better look.

"Ronald Weasley! How dare you steel that car! I am absolutely disgusted! You're father is now facing an inquiry at work and it's entirely your fault. If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home! Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor, you're father and I are so proud."

"That was intense." Adrian sighed, resuming to his breakfast. I heard laughter and whispers from other students, but couldn't help but think, poor Ron.

My morning Herbology class wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; learning the Orchideous spell was quite amusing and the dozens of bouquets of flowers to show for it. After lunch, I decided to study in the Transfiguration courtyard, since Snape has been on top of me about studying Potions. I noticed Ron and Hermione across the courtyard studying also, but I decided to keep to myself. "Hey," I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Adrian and the rest of the Quidditch team with him, in their Quidditch robes and brooms in their hands, "Do you want to come to practice today?"

I smiled, closing my book, "That sounds good." I smiled. I shared a smile with Draco, "How are you feeling?" I asked him, packing my books away.

Draco nodded, "Pretty good."

"C'mon let's go." Marcus said, gathering everyone and walking in the direction of the Quidditch pitch before we came face to face of a group of people in red Quidditch robes.

The Gryffindor Quidditch team approached as if they were also going to practice, "Where do you think you're going, Flint?" Oliver Wood called, leader of the team.

Marcus scoffed, "Quidditch practice."

I noticed Fred and George among the team, giving me strange looks, "I've booked the pitch for Gryffindor today." Oliver answered.

"Easy Wood," Marcus said, "I've got a note."

He handed Oliver the note that Adrian was telling me about, "I, Professor Severus Snape, hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today as they are going to need to train their new seeker." Oliver closed the note, "You've got a new seeker? Who?" At this point, Hermione and Ron walked over and joined in on the conversation.

Adrian and I, who had been standing in front of Draco, stepped aside to show the Gryffindor team who our new seeker was, "Malfoy?" Harry asked, looking him up and down.

Draco smirked, "That's right, and that's not all that's new this year."

Ron looked at the Slytherin team up and down, "Those are Nimbus 2001's. How did you get those?" He gasped.

Marcus smirked, "A gift from Draco's father."

Draco stepped forward, facing Ron, "You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best."

I rolled my eyes, wanting to stop him from speaking. I could feel Fred and George's stare burn into my back. "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in," Hermione spoke, "They got in on pure talent."

I could see Draco get angrier, staring Hermione up and down, "No one asked for your opinion," He said, "You filthy little mud-blood."

Gasps filled throughout the Gryffindor team and Hermione's smile quickly fade from her face. "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy." Ron said, taking out his wand, "Eat slugs!"

Instead of the jinx hitting Draco, Ron was rebounded backward onto the ground, the Slytherin's laughing. Ron got to his knees as the Gryffindor team surrounded him. I put my hand on Draco's shoulder, he turned around and faced me, "Ease it, Draco." I said to him quietly so no one would hear, "Ease it down with the insults."

Draco shrugged my advice off and continued laughing at Ron, who began vomiting slugs, Hermione and Harry taking him away toward Hagrids. "See you around, Wood." Marcus said before signalling the Slytherin team to follow him but I didn't move.

Adrian looked at me confused, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh, I just remembered, I have a lot of Herbology homework to catch up on, but I'll see you later." I smiled to him, thinking of any excuse to stay behind and talk to Fred and George.

Adrian nodded, "Okay, I'll see ya later." He pecked me on the lips before catching up with the Slytherin team who made their way to the pitch.

The Gryffindor team huddled together before I walked over, "Fred, George." I called for their attention, "Can I talk to yous for a minute?" They both nodded before I led them to the other side of the courtyard so no one would hear our conversation, "I want to apologize."

"For not telling us that you're related to Malfoy." George retorted.

I sighed, "In my defense, I thought you already knew. But I just want to let you know that I don't care about your financial situation or who you associate with. I was friends with you guys the first day I came here and before I moved in with Draco and his parents. I can promise you that Ted and Andromeda didn't raise me like that and I've already warned Draco about the whole 'mudblood' thing because it's not okay."

"Why are you living with Draco now?" Fred asked, "Why aren't you living with your parents? Who, again, you referred to by their names."

I sighed, "I don't know. It's a really long story, that I can hopefully explain to you at a later time. But for now, I'm living with my aunt, uncle and cousin, but I'm still the same person."

Fred and George looked between one another, "Okay." George sighed, "I guess we can hang out again."

"Yeah," Fred joined in, "Because it isn't the same without you."

"I just hope Ron is okay," I said, "What happened to his wand?"

"It broke, so he's used sellotape to fix it." George laughed, "Mum wasn't happy."

"I heard this morning, I'm not going to even ask what that howler was about." I giggled, "But can we pretend that nothing has happened and we're back to when I used a Ton-Tongue Toffee on Penelope."

Fred and George laughed, "Or the fact that you're with Adrian now."

I looked between them confused, "How - how do you know about that?"

Fred laughed, "We saw him kiss you before they all left for practice." I felt myself go bright red.

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