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I woke to an empty dormitory. I glanced over to Jaz's bed and she was gone. I sighed, rubbed my eyes and climbed out of the bed. I remained in my green silk pajamas and exited the dormitory to find a rather empty common room, with most of the students gone home for Christmas. Adrian, Terence and Jaz sat among the sofas beside the brightly lit Christmas tree, warming themselves up with the fire in front of them. "Morning, sleepy head." Terence joked as I joined the group.

I sat next to Jaz, "You got in late." She said to me, "Where did you and Weasley disappear off to?"

I furrowed my brows at her, "I didn't disappear with Weasley. Well, I did disappear but not with him." I lied through my teeth, "I just wasn't feeling it so I went on a walk near the end of the night. What about you two?" I asked looking to Jaz and Terence, "You both looked very cozy together on the dance floor."

"What?" Terence puffed, "We were just dancing, we were kind of used to it at that stage with the amount Snape made us do."

I nodded my head with wide eyes, "Sure." I said in a rather sarcastic tone. I then turned my attention to Adrian, "So -"

"So what?" He retorted.

I furrowed my brows but decided to ignore his attitude, "So, how did you and Fleur get on?" Adrian shrugged. There was a moment of silence before Adrian got to his feet and left our company and returned to the dormitory. I looked to Jaz and Terence who just shrugged in response. "That was weird." I sighed.

Jaz also sighed, "He's been acting weird the last few weeks, hasn't he?"

"Agreed." Terence said nodding his head and getting to his feet, "I'll go speak to him."

Terence left our company and made his way to the dormitory.


The snow eventually melted around the Hogwarts grounds, leaving an unsatisfying slush before eventually all melting. Classes recommenced with a great buzz for the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. Fred and I have been really good, getting together more and having a lot of fun. As February rolled in, the weather got a bit nicer and a little bit warmer than the frozen Winter nights. I sat with Jaz in the Great Hall eating lunch after a History of magic class that seemed to go on a little bit too long. Jaz wrapped her green and silver woolly scarf tightly around her neck, "It is absolutely freezing." She sighed, putting her woolly gloves on also. I looked to her with a giggle as I had only my scarf wrapped around my neck which didn't bother me that much. Jaz sighed, "I wonder where Adrian and Terence are."

I furrowed my brows, "You've been asking quite a lot about Terence lately."

Jaz scoffed, "I am worried about our friends. Adrian has been acting very strange. Do you not think so?"

"I do think so. I just find it strange how you and Terence have been really close. Did something happen at the ball that you're not telling me?"

Jaz scoffed once more, "Pandora, I tell you everything. You are my best friend and maybe I didn't tell you about the kiss that Terence and I shared because maybe I was scared to what you might think and scared that he would never speak to me again which is what I'm thinking since he hasn't talked to me much and hasn't made a move yet and keeps hanging around with Adrian." Jaz exhaled looking to catch her breath gripping onto the table. "That was a lot."

I raised my eyebrows to her, "You could have just told me that after the ball. No wonder you've been acting strange."

"Yes, but that doesn't explain why Adrian is acting strange."

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