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I distanced myself from Adrian over the next week or two making it awkward on Terence to choose between us, usually refusing to decide and hanging out with Laura and Madeline, leaving both of us on our own. Since our argument, Adrian has become good friends with Marcus Flint while I've gotten much closer to Fred and George.

With the new threat in the school, Lockhart decided it would be a good idea to start a dueling club and teach us something for a change. We had a dueling lesson in the afternoon after a long and boring Herbology class. I met up with Fred, George, Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson after Herbology. Lee and Angelina weren't impressed with my presence, "If you don't want me here, just say it." I sighed looking at their disgruntled faces, "I'd rather be by myself than look at your two pusses for the afternoon."

George rested a hand on my shoulder, "Ease it." He said to me quietly. "They're still just a little freaked out about the whole blood on the wall thing, Mrs Norris hanging from a torch." Fred began walking ahead with Lee and Angelina.

"They don't seriously believe I did it, do they?" I breathed, thinking that this whole rumor would finally come to a rest, but I guess not.

George shrugged, "That's all anyone is talking about."

I rolled my eyes, walking briskly with George to catch up with the others before heading down the grand staircase and following the other fourth years into the Great Hall. The benches were moved and in the center was a large stage-like horizontal structure with Lockhart standing in the center, greeting everyone with a smile. Fred, George, Angelina, Lee and I stood near the middle, meeting up with Oliver Wood also. Laura, Madeline, Penelope, Adrian and Terence stood not far from me. You could sense the tension, but no one would dare speak about it. "Good, good," Lockhart spoke, "Gather in, everyone gather in closer." He smiled to us all, as students gathered on either side of the stage. "Right, that appears to be everyone. Can you all hear me?" With little response, Lockhart smiled, "Good, good. In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club, shall we call it." He walked back and forth, up and down the stage. "To train you up, in case you ever need to defend yourselves." I rolled my eyes at his pathetic attempt to act like a good guy and this brave adventurous hero, "As I, myself, have encountered many times which you can see in my published works. Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." Everyone snapped their heads toward the end of the stage, where Snape climbed the stairs, "He is willing to help me perform a little demonstration and don't worry, you'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him."

And so, they got on with it. Lockhart and Snape facing each other, raising their wands in front of their faces, turning around, walked to the end of the stage before they turned around. Snape immediately cast 'Expelliamus' with Lockhart flying across the room and landing on the very edge of the stage, winded. I began laughing as did the others that despised Lockhart. He jumped to his feet, "Maybe it would be better to first show the students how to block unfriendly spells." Snape said to him, giving him a look of almost hatred.

"An excellent idea Professor Snape." Lockhart beamed, "Why don't we get a volunteer pair." He turned on his heels, looking among the crowd of students, "Ms Tonks, you seem to the be the one for a challenge." He smiled indicating for me to get up onto the stage, "Let's see if that attitude of yours can help you here." He chuckled.

I looked between Snape and Lockhart. Snape shifted his eyes to the stage, suggesting me to just get up and do it, "As you wish, Professor." I sighed, climbing up the five foot stage in front of me and getting to my feet.

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