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Tucked away in northwestern London, a twenty minute walk from King's Cross Station, lies number twelve, Grimmauld Place. Both unplottable and hidden behind a Fidelius Charm, the house is invisible to all but a few. Though the neighboring Muggles don't even know the building exists. This is where I have lived among the Weasley family since leaving Hogwarts. The house was rather old and the furniture appeared so also. I shared a room with Ginny up until Hermione Granger moved in several days ago. ​Under strict rules imposed my Mr and Mrs Weasley; I was to remain in my room and not to wander the house. Although this rule didn't apply to any of her other children or Hermione. I managed to go to the dining room every so often or to the kitchen but usually Fred or Ginny would bring me food to my room.

The house was rather empty. Fred and George apparated around the house since they have gone seventeen and can do so since they are of age; it drove Mrs Weasley mad. But they usually confined themselves to their room where they were making Weasley's Wizzard Wheezes products. I decided to go for a walk, and by go for a walk, I mean go down to the dining room to retrieve the Daily Prophet and return to my room. My room was located on the first floor unlike most of the others' rooms; which were located on the floors above. I walked down the winding stairs, passing the house-elf, who has yet to say a word to me. The front hall was quite long with doors coming off either side; all of which were shut, except for the room to the dining room which lay straight ahead. The wallpaper was peeling and the carpet was worn thin. I walked into the dining room which was empty a part from Mr Weasley who sat slumped in a chair, reading the Daily Prophet. He snapped his head up to me as I took a seat opposite him, "Hello Pandora." He smiled then quickly looking back down at his newspaper.

I smiled to him, leaning back in the chair as it squeaked and placed my hand on my rather large bump; one month away from my due date. I rubbed so gently, smiling to myself. I took this time to really take in the environment. Much like the front hall, the wallpaper was peeling and with every step, the wooden floors creaked. There were no pictures on the walls, leaving the room a little dull looking. All of a sudden, I heard running footsteps from the kitchen; the adjoining room to the dining room. "Pandora." I heard Mrs Weasley's voice nearly squeak. Mrs Weasley frantically ran toward me with her arms outstretched. "What are you doing down here? I thought I sent Ginny up with some food for you?" She seemed uneasy and constantly looked over her shoulder.

I sighed, "Mrs Weasley, you can't possibly think that I will remain sane confined in that room the entire Summer."

Before Mrs Weasley could say anything, more footsteps were heard coming from the kitchen. I leaned over, confused, as I had thought that everyone in the house was either present or upstairs. I watched as a tall, curly black haired man entered the room. His eyes met mine, "You?" He questioned.

I got to my feet, seeing the man in full now. Mrs Weasley stepping aside, "Sirius Black." I gasped.

"How are you?" He asked, calmly, taking a seat beside Mr Weasley. "Well, don't be frightened child, sit." I looked to Mrs Weasley hesitant, who simply just gestured me to sit. Mrs Weasley sitting down beside me. "So, when did you get in?"

I looked between Mr and Mrs Weasley with confusion. "I've been here the whole time. Is that why I am not allowed leave my room? Because Sirius is here?"

Mrs Weasley buried her head in her hands with a sigh. Mr Weasley folded up the Daily Prophet and threw it onto the table. "I told you this would happen, Molly." Mr Weasley said, "I warned you that they'd find out about her -"

" - Find out about me? Am I not supposed to be here?"

"You are most welcome, dear." Mrs Weasley smiled to me, "Isn't that right, Sirius."

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