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Percy returned not long later with George, who appeared hysterical. He ran to his brother's side, holding his face and began to sob. I sat up, placing a hand on George's shaking shoulders, "I'm sorry." I said to him through tears, "There was an explosion. There was nothing I could do."

George nodded his head and looked to me. His eyes were red and puffy, his face was pale and all hope seemed to have vanished from his face, "It's okay." He forced a smile, looking back to Fred. "It's okay." He said in a hoarse whisper, almost convincing himself that it would be. But we both knew the truth.

The air seemed eerie, dead. I felt a sting in my ears. George and Percy felt it too as they put their hands over their ears. A voice spoke, as if it were speaking in our heads, "You have fought valiantly but in vain." The voice was chilling, but I knew that voice to be that of the Dark Lords, "I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me."

The voice had stopped. I could see my fellow Death Eaters retreat, disapparating. Leaving the castle in ruins. George turned to me, "Go." He said.

"What?" I gasped, "No. I'm not leaving him." I said, tears streaming down my cheeks glancing to Fred beneath me.

"Bexley," George sighed, his voice quivering, "You have to go."

"No!" I screamed, sobbing. "I can't leave him, George!"

George grabbed hold of my face and looked directly into my eyes. "Bexley," He exhaled, "You must go, otherwise he'll kill you." I took hold of his wrists, "Please."

I sat there for a moment, sobbing while holding onto George. I slowly nodded my head with a sniffle, "Okay." I whispered. I let go of George and got to my feet. I looked down to Fred, one last time, "I love you." I said before disapparating.

I apparated to the Forbidden Forest where the remaining Death Eaters along with the Dark Lord awaited the arrival of Potter. There was a large clearing. It was dull, cold and chilling. Death was in the air at the hands of everyone who stood before me. "Ah, there you are Bexley." The Dark Lord turned to me. I noticed Hagrid tied up to the left of the Death Eaters. Looking bruised and defeated.

My mother ran to me and wrapped her arms around me, "I thought you were dead." She led me back to where she stood.

I cleared my throat, "There is no sign of him, My Lord."

The Dark Lord's eyes widened and he stepped forward, my mother slowly following him, bringing me with her. She held my hand tightly as she followed her master. "I thought he would come." The Dark Lord said with a slight sigh. He slowly turned around, eyeing everyone up as he did so. My mother quickly bowed her head and forced me to do the same. He began to walk back to his original position when the sound of a snap interrupted him.

My head snapped up and whispers filled the air. Approaching the clearing was Potter. My mother looked to the Dark Lord in disbelief and ran back to her original post. I looked to Potter with shock before returning to my mother's side. "Harry!?" Hagrid spoke, "No! What are you doing here?"

"Quiet!" A Death Eater spat at him. I looked around at the Death Eaters gathered. Snape was not among them. My heart fell heavy, thinking of his fate.

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