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Weeks had passed. The Spring months soon turned to a cool Summer. School was coming to a close meaning that the shop will be as busy as ever, once again. I sat at the familiar dining table of Malfoy Manor surrounded by my superiors, the only thing that was missing was the Dark Lord but I thought it best that way. We sat here all day, awaiting news from Draco as the deadline to kill Dumbledore was fast approaching. Narcissa sat, stressed and greyed, in silence. This routine was copied for several weeks now, we await word and take action. We knew Draco was mending the vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement but whether he has it working, is what kept us in angst. It was getting quite late and once again, hope quickly faded from the atmosphere. But, when all hope seemed to be lost, an owl flew in through from the main entrance of the house, "It's from Draco." Narcissa said, curiosity filling her tone, "What does it say?"

The letter was dropped in front of me, all eyes were fixed on it. Eagerness filled the room as I took hold of the letter and ripped open the seal. "It says," I said, pulling out the letter, "Tonight." I smiled to myself. "I think we better make our way to Borgin and Burkes."

The group to attend Borgin and Burkes were myself, my mother, Greyback, the Carrow siblings and Antonin Dolohov. Borgin remained in the back, wanting nothing to do with us. We all crammed inside the vanishing cabinet, waiting for Draco. All of a sudden, the doors began to creak open. My mother and I pushed the doors open, revealing the Room of Requirement; a room I never had the pleasure of visiting during my time at Hogwarts. I giggled to myself at the success of the cabinet. Draco, however, was nowhere to be seen. I led the group out of the Room of Requirement where Draco had been waiting, "The Astronomy Tower." He whispered to me. I nodded in response. Draco held the door open to the group while I led everyone in the direction of the Astronomy Tower, although they didn't need direction.

Draco quickly caught up, loosening the top buttons on his shirt, "Nervous?" I asked him as we approached the entrance to the Tower.

Draco simply nodded and gulped. He turned to the group, "Five minutes." He whispered quietly and began ascending the stairs toward the Tower. Draco took his wand out halfway up, just before he went out of sight.

"This is fun." My mother smiled to me.

I nodded in agreement, "I've waited too long for that oaf to be gone." I smiled, thinking back to all of the awful encounters I had with Dumbledore over the years. Where, he wouldn't give me the time of day, or send me to another Professor and just didn't seem to take an interest in anyone other that sweet and precious Potter.

After what felt like five minutes, we began ascending the stairs, each footstep creating a clanking sound. I couldn't help but skip with delight. We reached the top floor where Draco stood, face to face with Dumbledore. Draco's wand was shakily pointed at the Headmaster who appeared to be unarmed. "Well, look what we have here." My mother smiled noticing the situation was in Draco's favor.

I approached my younger cousin with delight and placed my hands on his shoulders, "Well done, Draco." I whispered in his ear. The group followed behind me and stood behind Draco, looking at the significantly weaker Albus Dumbledore.

"Good evening, Bexley" Dumbledore spoke. I stepped to Draco's side, eyeing the Professor up and down. "I think introductions are in order, don't you?"

"I'd love to, Albus, but I'm afraid we're all on a bit of a tight schedule." I smirked to him.

"Do it." I heard my mother hiss to Draco from the other side of the room.

Draco looked between my mother and Dumbledore. "He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father." Greyback chuckled, the others joining in. "Let me finish him in my own way."

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