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With Harry finding Nearly Headless Nick and Justin Flinch-Fletchley petrified, a lot of the rumors of me being the heir to Slytherin have shifted onto Harry, although I know most Gryffindor's still think that it's me. But I am almost positive that Angelina Johnson is spreading most of the rumors about me. But Fred and George are ignoring them and continue to make fun of Harry.

With Christmas fast approaching, I could feel the excitement throughout the whole school. Lucius and Narcissa were busy during the Christmas break so Draco and I thought it best to stay in for the Holidays; Crabbe, Goyle and Jaz were too, so it wasn't too bad. At dinner, Jaz and I sat with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle as there was no point in sitting separately with such little people staying in for the Holidays; I've never seen the Great Hall so empty.

Conversation drifted from Quidditch to Christmas to schoolwork, annoying teachers and eventually ending up with Crabbe and Goyle deciding to stay in the Great Hall for a bit longer to finish up their dessert. "Can we go on a walk or something?" Draco asked me as Jaz, Draco and I got to our feet to leave Crabbe and Goyle and their cakes.

I nodded, glancing at Jaz. "I'll meet you back in the common room." She smiled, quickly departing from the table heading back to the common room.

Draco and I left the Great Hall and began wandering the halls of the school, "So, what's this walk about?" I asked as we walked slowly, not rushing anywhere.

Draco pulled a letter from his robes and held it out to me, "Father wrote to us."

I looked to him confused, taking the letter from him and scanning my eyes over it, "It's about the Chamber of Secrets?" I questioned, "Why would you want to know about this?"

Draco shrugged, "Just making sure you weren't the heir."

"Draco." I giggled nudging him, "Of course I'm not." As Draco and I laughed together, I noticed Draco kept a piece of parchment hidden from my view, "What's this?" I asked reaching over and grabbing it before Draco could respond to my actions, "Is this from Narcissa?"

Draco agreed with a sigh, "She told me to give it to you if you wanted it."

I scanned through what Narcissa had written, "Is this about my parents? The family?" I looked up from the parchment to Draco.

Draco nodded, "I haven't read it, but I assume so."

"Thanks." I smiled to him, "I can read it later."

"Let's go find Crabbe and Goyle and head back to the common room." Draco answered, leading the way to the dungeons in search of his friends. After what felt like twenty minutes of searching, they were no where to be found. I was beginning to get frustrated but eventually spotted both Crabbe and Goyle lurking in one of the dungeon corridors, talking to Percy Weasley. "Crabbe! Goyle! Where have you two been?" Draco called as we approached them, "Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?" Draco looked the two boys up and down and furrowed his brows at Goyle who seemed to be wearing glasses, "Why are you wearing glasses?"

"Oh, uhm, uh -" Goyle fumbled his words slightly removing the spectacles from his face, "Reading."

"Reading?" I questioned to which Goyle just nodded.

"I didn't know you could read." Draco responded shrugging the whole glasses ordeal off and facing Percy, stepping forward slightly.

I also followed Draco's actions, "And what are you doing down here, Percy? I thought the Gryffindor common room was at the top of the castle. I smirked.

"Mind your attitude, Tonks." Percy said through gritted teeth. Percy and I have never gotten along; mainly because Fred, George and I would always play pranks on him or test out Weasley's Wizard Wheezes on him. So we've never seen eye to eye.

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