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The Hogwarts Express rocked back and forth as the large steam train made its way down the tracks through the English country side. I sat in a compartment with Fred and George. George was reading the Daily Prophet. A moving image of the mark in the sky of the night of the Quidditch World Cup appeared across the front of the paper. "How could they not know who conjured it?" George asked, propping the paper down on the free seat next to him.

Fred shrugged, "There was loads of security there, according to dad. Where did you run off to anyways?" Fred turned to me.

I felt my palms become quite sweaty, "Uh, I went looking for Draco. I eventually found him and I made sure he got home okay and then went looking for you all." I said, "Eh and I bumped into your father, Ron, Harry and Hermione then at the campsite, just after the mark had been conjured. I assume it was one of the Death Eaters who conjured it."

Fred sighed, "You're probably right. It's all a bit scary when you think about it."

The Hogwarts Express eventually arrived just as dusk was upon us. I parted ways with Fred and George and quickly found Draco who was with Crabbe and Goyle. "I'm starving let's go." Draco said, leading us to the Great Hall. As we approached the large doors however, we heard a noise from the distance and ooh's and ahhh's from other students who ran toward the courtyard looking out on the lake. A large carriage was flying through the air led by several Abraxan horses. As that wasn't enough, a large ship emerged from the lake, expanding it's flags displaying a crest; a school crest by the looks of it.

We were eventually all ushered inside to begin the feast, but I knew everyone's minds were focused on what had just transpired. I bumped into Jaz walking in who invited me to sit with her. I parted ways with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle and sat with Jaz, "So, tell me about your Summer." She smiled, "I did get your letters and I could not reply because I think my owl flew away." I looked to her with a giggle and a confused look, "He just disappeared so I'm not quite sure where he's gone. So just to clarify, I wasn't ignoring you, I was just simply owl-less."

Jaz and I erupted into laughter just as Dumbledore made his presence known. The Sorting took place, which is always a bore, so Jaz and I whispered what we had done over the Summer to each other. Jaz went to America on holiday with her family and told me all about it. All I could tell her was that I spent time with Draco and that I attended the Quidditch World Cup. "Now -" Dumbledore bellowed, "Now that we're all settled and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement." Jaz turned to me with a confused look on her face, but quickly turned back to face Dumbledore, "This castle will not only be your home this year -" He began, interrupted by Filch running down the hall, quite slowly toward Dumbledore. "But home to some very special guests as well." Filch had still not made it to the head table yet which caused some students to giggle and chuckle. "You see, Hogwarts has been chosen -" Filch eventually stood up next to Dumbledore, "Yes what is it?" Dumbledore said to him. Filch whispered something inaudible and quickly ran back toward the Great Hall doors in the same fashion he entered; at a crucifying slow run. "So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event -" Dumbledore spoke, getting back on track, "The Triwizard Tournament. Now for the those of you who do not know, the Triwaizard Tournament brings three school together for a series of magical contests." Whispers had began around our section of the table. Jaz gave me a promising look before again, looking back to Dumbledore, "From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear; if chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxine."

The doors of the Great Hall burst open. A large group of girls wearing blue silk marched forward with their hands behind their back and their chins held high. Everyone shifted seating position to look at these marvellous, gorgeous women. They then out reached their hands in a weird motion, sighing and then began skipping toward the top of the Great Hall, small birds flying out from under their arms. I was in amazement but everyone else - the boys - were in awe. "Is it necessary for them to wear silk?" Jaz sighed, rolling their eyes. The girls all gathered at the top of the Great Hall, bowing in front of their headmistress. "Woah, look at the size of her." Jaz gasped as a very tall woman waltzed into the Great Hall, wearing long red robes, standing high above the rest of us.

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