Chapter 6

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6- Day at Disney!

Saturday. My favourite day of the week. The day you can relax and do nothing. Leave all your work for Sunday while enjoying your Saturday. My Saturday's are either
1- Full out blast with friends or family
2- Stay in bed all day cuddled in a warm blanket, watching kdramas or anime.
There is no in-between...

-and today it seems to be the first option. Though I'm not sure about how much of a blast I'll have. 
I woke up unusually early today and walked right towards my closet. I was pretty excited for this day but I did kind of feel bad for Austin. His date is going to get completely ruined, but hey! that's what he gets for messing with us!

I pulled on a torn wide high-waisted pair of jeans and matched it with a black crop top and a red checked flannel. My hair was tied up in a bun as usual. To top off the look, I wore classic white sneakers and a watch.

"I look fine today!" I assured myself looking at the mirror.

Do I look boring? I'm far away from "his" ideal type. Should I switch it up a bit? It wouldn't hurt to wear one of those dresses, will it? I asked myself.

I abruptly turned towards the stack of clothes piled up in my closet. I opened the drawer in which I had the only dress I own. 

I gave out a long sigh and changed my outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror. 
"NO!" I instantly shouted out. It's not that I looked bad in it, I just wasn't confident enough to slay that look like Natasha or Lucia. 

"Yelp, can't be helped I guess... and moreover, I'm not comfortable in this dress anyway" I groan and quickly put on my first outfit.

"SKYLA! COME OUT QUICK!" Lucia called out to me.

"Luce! When did you get here?" I ask in a panic.

"JUST NOW! THE BOYS ARE OUTSIDE. COME!" She ran towards me, grabbed my arm and ran out.
"MRS ELLIOT! I'M TAKING SKYLA AWAY! BYE!" She announces to my mom and I caught my mom laughing and waving her hand.

Outside my house stood Aiden and Phoenix. 

"Took you long enough. Come, now let's go or we'll miss the metro!" Aiden remarks.

"METRO?" I question.

"YES METRO. NOW LET'S GO." Aiden shouts and starts running after grabbing Lucia's arm.

Lucia had grabbed my arm and as a reflex, I grabbed Phoenix's arm. The four of us looked like four little kids running holding hands.

"Why are we running like this again?" Lucia asks.

"IT'S FUN!!!" I scream and run faster while pulling Phoenix.

"Calm down kid!!!!!" Phoenix chuckles and tries to runs faster than me.

"OH! WE'RE DOING THAT!" I become competitive and try to run ahead of him while he overtook me with ease again. I got rid of Lucia's grip and dashed. The two of us raced each other to the metro.

"You lost. HAHAHA." Phoenix laughed.

"I'll get, get you next- next time!" I yell out panting and trying to catch my breath.

"YOU GUYS ARE MAD!" Aiden and Lucia finally catch up to us. Lucia scolds me for leaving her alone with 'an idiot'.

"I heard that pipsqueak!" Aiden calls out to her.

She pouts while Phoenix and I exchange glances and burst into laughter.

After catching 3 metros, we finally reached our destination. DISNEYLAND!

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