Chapter 19

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19- Pretty Handsome

Phoenix looked at me, completely flustered in confusion.

I look up at the sky, trying to cover up my tears.

"Look, the sky, it's so pretty!"

"But not as pretty as Skyla", he smiles.

I was caught by surprise and looked at him. Tears still dripping down my cheeks.

"Yo... Skyla... the earlier kiss thing- It was a joke. I'm sorry." 

"Yeah right. A "joke". Everything is a joke for you, isn't it? All these mixed signals, I just don't understand you. You say I'm too boring, too plain to ever be your type but your actions prove otherwise. Natasha, your one and only crush kisses you but you blow her off. You say "maybe" when I asked you if you liked me. You avoid straight answers and then say I'm the only one to whom you act this way. If you're really trying to convey some message, you sure are messing it up Pheonix. I know you will never like a girl like me. You're more into girls like Natasha, pretty and dolled up. Do you really like teasing me that much?", I ask away.

Phoenix pauses.
I realise what I had just blurted out. I was just going with the flow of my outburst of emotions. 

"Skyla I-" He starts.
No, I don't want to hear anything... I really decided to act normal.

"Pfft." I suddenly laugh.

Phoenix looked utterly confused.

"Mr Nixy, you've been successfully pranked. Pfft. That's what you get for teasing me this much. The expression on your face was priceless. Man, I should've recorded it", I start laughing.

Phoenix looked deeply offended.

"Hey, c'mon. It was just a harmless joke..." I whisper.

"Yeah, sure it was. It was one WEIRD JOKE. Damn kid, you really just made me think it was real-" He laughs.

It was real though... I thought to myself.

"Man, I really thought you'd be weirded out after what you saw. I'm glad our friendship didn't hit the dead-end like I expected it to", Phoenix chuckles.

"C'mon! We're friends, aren't we? It's none of my business who you decide to smoochie smooch~" I tease him.

Phoenix gives off a disgusted look.

"Anyway, I have some sweets with me. I bought too much, so I thought about sharing it with the only candy lover I know." He grins.

"Wait seriously?" 

Phoenix proceeds to show the bag filled with different gummies and candies.

"Man, Nixy you're the best!" I jump with happiness and hug him. 
He hugs me back and then we quickly break the hug. Awkward air surrounded us.

"We're friends, right? Friends hug all the time!" Phoenix exclaims.

"Yeah, you're right!"

I  quickly dig into the bag of candies. 

"I love these strawberry gummies. It's so good and these sour ones and even better!" I squeal in joy.

"How about we sit down in the park first?" Phoenix suggests.

I nod. Next, we both walk to the park and find a peaceful green spot. I eat candy while Phoenix lays down on the grass.

"Hey...", Nixy hums.


"How do I look?"


"Just tell me how do I look."

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