There's not a day that passed
When I haven't thought of you
Whether its as simple as a thought
Like, "He would like this"
Or, "I bet he'd laugh if I told him about this"
Or even just, "I miss him..."
Not a day. Not a single day
When I haven't thought of you
I remember you in everything
In the books I read, in the sunsets I see
In the nights when I can't sleep
In the songs I hear
When I look up at the sky,
When I watch a movie
Even just a reference on an angel or demon
Heck, just watching Supernatural
I remember you
I remember you in cold, wet days
When I'm shivering and just staring at the wall
When I smell the rain and just think
Or just let myself feel
I feel it all crashing down on me
Feeling so heavy and light at the same time
Like I'm a cloud, dense with water
Waiting to come down on earth
But light enough to float away
And I know, somewhere
On some Olympus, the gods are lucky to have you
As I read and watch and breathe and play
I know, I know I was lucky to have you
And I know, it's messed up
But I wasn't strong enough that time
And I was a coward making excuses
And I know that now
But it's too late
The most I regret is not seeing you then
And what I'm ashamed of
Is not seeing you still now
And I can't breathe when I think of you
Because it feels like there's not enough oxygen
Not enough to keep my heart alive
When it's been buried with you
And it's taking all my will power to stay here
When you're there
When I promised
I promised I'll follow you to the ends of fhe earth
But here I am, still breathing
Loving someone you sent my way
Which I know you did
Because I was at a precipice
You knew that a nudge would send me over
But a low pull can bring me back to earth
And that's what you gave me
Someone to keep me anchored
Who'll let me honor my memories of you
Who'll let me grieve in peace
Without being afraid to cry
Without being afraid to remember
You gave me someone
Who you knew even then
That would take care of me, of our memories
For you
He'll never have the same love as for you
You are worlds apart yet so right
You knew just what I needed
Yet you're still my favorite record
And I hope someday you'll give me a boost to heaven's gate
Poems By A Lonely Cloud
PoetryJust poems. For my project. At least at first. Now its poems, an outlet for my thoughts and feelings at the current time. Thought its utterly confusing, I understand what im writing and I see myself grow through this. How I mature. Although im still...