
339 19 147

TW - Suicide

Grian was still flying away.

He was flying, not caring where he went, until his communicator beeped. At first, he was going to just ignore it, thinking it was the others calling him back, but he became paranoid of what the message was, so he decided to just open it. Bad choice.

Iskall85 was slain by [Player Unregistered]

He completely froze at the sight of it, stopping mid air, and would've fallen to his doom had he not snapped back to reality quick enough. He quickly controlled his wings and flew back into the air, and landed on a nearby ledge, falling to the ground, before trying to process what happened.

Iskall died. Iskall just died. Iskall had just fucking died. He's gone. He was fucking gone. He died, just like all the others.

When did it happen? Did it happen when Grian left? Did it happen because Grian left? If he hadn't left and stayed, would Iskall still have lived? Was it all his fault?

He sank to his knees, his head spinning and his thoughts rushing through his head - if he hadn't gone, then would he still be alive? Did he die thinking he hated him?

Did he die thinking it was his fault?

He ignored the footsteps behind him, already knowing it was just another hermit, coming along to blame him for all the mistakes he'd made. Through his blurred eyes, he could see the body lifeless, his mind unable to stop comparing them to the other ones he'd seen before.

Bunny ears. Headphones.

Red sweater.

"I told you not to lie to me."

"F-fuck off," Grian whispered, biting his lip, hoping that the pain would distract him enough to stop the tears from falling. He couldn't show weakness.

Nobody would believe him anyway if he told them of his suspicions. Call him a liar, an effort to scapegoat the blame onto Xisuma. The one person everyone trusted above all else. The one person who had the power to kill without getting caught, the one person who could get away with it.

The person who'd been pushing the blame onto him all along.

"Oh my god- Xisuma!" Grian recognised the voice as Keralis, looking up to meet both of their gaze. Keralis had clearly just arrived about a minute after Xisuma, not that Grian was keeping track of time well.

"I know, Keralis."

"Xisuma... Can I speak with you? Alone?" Grian shivered, knowing it was about him. Knowing they didn't want him to hear. Holding back sobs, he took off once again, knowing exactly where he was going.

He landed on the roof of his mansion, prismarine echoing under his feet as he undid his elytra, letting it fall. He did the same with his inventory, realising now that he was on the edge of the roof, facing Mumbo's now empty base.

He stared off into the distance, smiling at the sun setting over the hills. It was still pretty light, even though it was nearly 10pm. It was summer though, so that wasn't particularly unusual.

It was summer when evo had fallen.

Grian didn't notice fireworks behind him, followed by footsteps until he was right behind him.

"Grian... What are you doing..." Grian smiled sadly, a tear slipping down his face and falling onto the prismarine that made up the mansion roof. Such a long fall. So far. So, so far.

"If it's all my fault," Grian responded, turning around to meet Scar's eyes. Purple to blue. Watcher to vex. "This will fix it... Right?"

"Grian if you're doing what I think you are... Just back away from the edge," Scar stuttered, reaching out an arm to help, but Grian didn't take it.

"Have you ever fallen Scar?" The question came out of nowhere, catching Scar off guard.

"Many times," he responded nervously, scared he'd say the wrong thing.

"Do you know how good it feels to let nature take over, let gravity pull you down at a constantly accelerating pace. Air rushing past you, nothing to get in your way. Freedom."

"Then you always hit the ground. That's not freedom, that's just making it hurt more."

"Would it be worth it? To end this life that should've been ended long ago, should've been taken somehow through the many years, yet it only scars it. Never finished it. I've outlived everyone I've ever given a damn about, and it's my fault." He was shaking at this point, looking so tired, and so... Destroyed.

"This isn't the way Grian. Come down, we can fix this. There's other ways."

"No there isn't. Scar... Let me do this. Just let me finally have peace."

"I'm not going to let that happen," Scar said firmly, trying to mask how much he wanted to pretend this wasn't happening, and how much it hurt. How much it hurt that Grian didn't care about him enough to stay.

"Good job that it's not your choice then."

Scar could only watch on in horror, unable to stop him or get there in time, only being able to watch his friend, the person he'd cared for for years, did what Scar had feared the most.

He'd jumped.

Grian fell from a high place


I'm now annoyed because that's probably a better plot thread than what I ended up writing.

Long story short: no Grian isn't evil no scar isn't dead nothing that happened in the last chapter really happened

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