Chapter 1 | Mood Swings

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"I WANT AVOCADO ICE-CREAM WITH SALMON NOWWWWWW!" Xiaojun shouted in broken Korean as he ran across the dorm, his arms wrapped around his belly. Xiaojun didn't really know why he was shouting in Korean but he couldn't really think of anything else.

"Honey it's like 4am and I'm pretty sure you're waking up the other members," Hendery responded, "And where am I supposed to find that?"

"I DON'T KNOW JUST GET IT BEFORE I HIT YOU," Xiaojun shouted as he actually punched Hendery, but it wasn't that hard of a punch.

Xiaojun gasped realising what he just did, "I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy," the older cried while sitting on the floor, "I hate myself!" again as he slapped himself in the face.

"Hey! Hey! Don't do that. I love you okay? And pregnancy is really hard and I don't think I'll ever be able to go through what you are going through," The younger comforted the older but he kept sniffling.

Xiaojun got up and ran to Ten's room which was at the end of the corridor. Johnny and Ten were cuddling in bed as they both had just woken up, "Xiaojun? What's wrong?" Ten sat up, asked softly after gasping, "Johnny I think we need some private time."

Johnny exited the room, understanding the situation, as Xiaojun crawled onto Ten and Johnny's shared bed. Ten hugged the crying younger, "T-Ten I hit Hendery"

"Why? What did he do? Do you want me to go punch him?"

"N-no. It wasn't his fault. Stupid mood swings," Xiaojun stuttered.

Ten hummed, "It's okay. You know it's hard being pregnant and I'm sure he understands.


"Morning! Oh! Johnny! Do you know where Xiaojun is?"

"Yeah, he's in me and Ten's room. He didn't look okay. You should go to him," Johnny responded.

Hendery thanked Johnny before walking to their room. Hendery slowly opened the door and sat on the bed next to Ten and picked up Xiaojun so he was sitting on Hendery's lap.

"Hey baby I'm not mad at you. I already told you. I love you okay? Don't beat yourself up about it," Hendery said to the older pecking his lips.

"HEY HEY! Love birds go to your own room," Ten said rolling his eyes.

"Your just jealous. Why don't I call Johnny," Hendery teased.

"No- Humph!" Ten said before leaving the room to find Johnny anyways.

Hendery picked up Xiaojun and brought them into their shared room and sat Xiaojun on his lap again, Hendery's head resting on the head board while Xiaojun's on Hendery's chest, "I love you baby," Hendery started.

"Love you too," Xiaojun said while cuddling closer to the alpha, inhaling his pheromones. (not going to lie I kind of forgot that this was an omegaverse-)


Taeyong was in the living room with Jungwoo, holding Wong Kyungsoon who had just turned 1 month a few days ago. The more he plays with the small, baby girl the more Taeyong wants a child.

Taeyong was only scared because he didn't want to hurt his boyfriends with his mood swings or go through the pain while giving birth and even the responsibilities after having a child was a lot of work.

Jungwoo had to stay up all night taking care of Kyungsoon. He always had eye bags for the last month. Practise was even harder for him and he was shamed by the choreographers that he was fat even though Jungwoo had just come back to practise yesterday.

How did Jungwoo survive all that is what Taeyong thought.

2 Weeks Later

NCT was having a comeback soon and Xiaojun was now officially 5 months in. None of the managers nor CEO knew about Xiaojun being pregnant.

Hendery and the rest of the members knew that it wasn't good for Xiaojun to dance or stress himself out but at the same time the manager would get suspicious of what was happening.

The manager was pretty blind though, Xiaojun had a big bump and he still didn't seem to notice.

Hendery decided it would be best if they told the manager and CEO about the baby. Yes, of course, the two boys were scared of what was coming but their love for each other and the upcoming baby was way more important.

After an hour Xiaojun and Hendery walked into the CEO's office. Xiaojun was wearing a very big t-shirt so his bump wasn't that obvious, "You wanted to talk to me?" the CEO said with a cold look. He sure was intimidating.

"Uhh yes. In fact this is really important," Hendery started.

"Well go on," the CEO said, waving his hand while moving some papers for future applicants and trainees to separate piles.

"Xiaojun and I are dating and we're having a kid," Hendery let out the breath he was holding in as Xiaojun had his head down, playing with his fingers.

"Cool," the CEO said.

"Y-You're not mad? We aren't getting kicked out?" Xiaojun asked.

"What! Noooo! I ship you guys," the CEO laughed, "along with some other couples," the CEO muttered softly not letting the couple on the opposite side of his desk hear him.

Xiaojun suddenly groaned (in Chinese) as Hendery looked at him with a worried look, "Xiaojun?! Are you okay?"

"Ah yes sorry for worrying you it was just the baby kicked hard,"

"What?!? How far are you in?" the CEO asked.

"Err 5 months in sir," Xiaojun spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me ages ago???"

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hello! sorry for not updating yesterday, now i'm going to give you a double update :))

re-reading this is so cringey :((

anyways, have a nice day!!


which idol do you relate to the most??

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